ISSN 1016-5169 | E-ISSN 1308-4488
Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology - Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars: 46 (4)
Volume: 46  Issue: 4 - June 2018
1. Septal ablation
Ertan Ural
PMID: 29853690  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.09076  Pages 239 - 241
Abstract |Full Text PDF

2. Stapling for wound dehiscence after cardiac implantable electronic device implantation
Fuad Habash, Ozan Paydak, Naga Venkata Pothineni, Peyton Card, Asif Sewani
PMID: 29853691  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.57059  Pages 242 - 247

3. The relationship between low thiol levels and major adverse cardiovascular events after primary percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with STEMI
Oğuz Akkuş, Mustafa Topuz, Hasan Koca, Hazar Harbalioğlu, Onur Kaypaklı, Mehmet Kaplan, Ömer Şen, Atilla Bulut, Hakim Çelik, Özcan Erel, Mustafa Gür
PMID: 29853692  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.82668  Pages 248 - 259

4. The relationship between monocyte/high-density lipoprotein ratio and Selvester QRS score in patients with STEMI
Lütfü Aşkın, Mustafa Çetin, Serdar Türkmen, Hakan Taşolar, Erdal Aktürk
PMID: 29853693  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.36151  Pages 260 - 267

5. Impact of 25(OH)D3 on spontaneous reperfusion and SYNTAX score in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction
Oğuz Akkuş, Mustafa Topuz, Fahrettin Öz, Hazar Harbalıoğlu, Hasan Koca, Mehmet Kaplan, Ömer Şen, Atilla Bulut, Mustafa Gür
PMID: 29853694  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.49393  Pages 268 - 275

6. Can hemodialysis change QRS axis in patients without cardiovascular disease?
Ahmet Korkmaz, Abdulkadir Yıldız, Harun Kundi, Funda Başyigit, Havva Tugba Gürsoy, Özgül Uçar Elalmış, Abdurrahman Akyüz, Mehmet İleri, Ümit Güray
PMID: 29853695  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.37666  Pages 276 - 282

7. The prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, risk factors, and cardiovascular drug therapy in very elderly Turkish patients admitted to cardiology clinics: A subgroup analysis of the ELDER-TURK study
Gülay Gök, Ümit Yaşar Sinan, Nil Özyüncü, Mehdi Zoghi, Elder- Türk Investigators
PMID: 29853696  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.49579  Pages 283 - 295

8. Is subcutaneous fat tissue embolization effective and safe as a septal reduction technique in a patient with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy?
Elnur Alizade, Sabahattin Gündüz, Ahmet Güner, Khagani Isgandarov, Selçuk Pala
PMID: 29853697  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.49383  Pages 296 - 300

9. Percutaneous treatment of high-output right heart failure with pulmonary hypertension due to a large iliac arteriovenous fistula using a patent ductus arteriosus occluder
Özgür Yaşar Akbal, Aykun Hakgör, Fatih Yılmaz, Seda Tanyeri, Cihangir Kaymaz
PMID: 29853698  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.63847  Pages 301 - 305

10. Left atrial appendage closure using Amulet device in a patient with prior percutaneous atrial septal defect closure
Cem Çöteli, Uğur Canpolat, Ergün Barış Kaya, Mehmet Levent Şahiner, Kudret Aytemir
PMID: 29853699  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.44884  Pages 306 - 308

11. The other side of the coin in primary tricuspid valve disease: The incremental value of 3D echocardiography
Münevver Sarı, Gökhan Kahveci, Duhan Fatih Bayrak, Abdulkadir Uslu, Selçuk Pala
PMID: 29853700  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.16860  Pages 309 - 312

12. Atrial flutter and nonconducted bigeminy premature atrial contraction in a neonate with cardiac rhabdomyoma
Yakup Ergül, Erkut Öztürk, Alper Güzeltaş
PMID: 29853701  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2017.72177  Pages 313 - 317

13. Ethical and legal problems arising from off-label use of medical devices and some solution recommendations
Perihan Elif Ekmekçi, Berna Arda
PMID: 29853702  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.04706  Pages 318 - 325

14. Connection between the right coronary artery and the coronary sinus vein resembling a ruptured sinus of Valsalva aneurysm
Fatemeh Omidi, Alimohamad Hajizeinali, Reza Mohseni- Badalabadi, Ali Hosseinsabet
PMID: 29853703  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2017.06060  Page 326
Abstract |Full Text PDF | Video

15. Coronary aneurysm causing fistulization and compression of the left atrium
Burak Açar, Sefa Ünal, Mustafa Bilal Ozbay, Derya Tok, Halil Lütfi Kısacık
PMID: 29853704  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2017.70745  Page 327
Abstract |Full Text PDF | Video

16. Right atrial appendage thrombus
Muzaffer Kahyaoğlu, Alev Kılıçgedik, Çetin Geçmen, Ender Özgün Çakmak, İbrahim Akın İzgi
PMID: 29853705  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2017.12893  Page 328
Abstract |Full Text PDF

17. Low anterior axillary implantation of an ICD in a patient with recurrent bilateral pectoral infection
Serkan Çay, Fırat Özcan, Özcan Özeke, Dursun Aras, Serkan Topaloğlu
PMID: 29853706  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2017.03881  Page 329
Abstract |Full Text PDF

18. Hypersensitivity to corticosteroids, Kounis syndrome, myocardial infarction with normal coronary arteries, and triamcinolone
Nicholas N Kounis, Ioanna Koniari, George D Soufras, Emannouil Chourdakis, Periklis Davlouros, George Hahalis
PMID: 29853707  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.91572  Pages 330 - 331
Abstract |Full Text PDF

19. Discovering an overlooked fact in atrial fibrillation: Iron deficiency
Adnan Kaya, Osman Kayapınar
PMID: 29853708  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.66424  Page 332
Abstract |Full Text PDF

20. Authors’ reply
Muhammed Keskin, Dilek Ural
PMID: 29853709  Pages 332 - 333
Abstract |Full Text PDF

21. Iron deficiency and atrial fibrillation
Metin Okşul, Yusuf Ziya Şener, Ahmet Emre Gültekin
PMID: 29853710  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.96968  Pages 333 - 334
Abstract |Full Text PDF

22. Authors’ reply
Muhammed Keskin, Dilek Ural
PMID: 29853711  Page 334
Abstract |Full Text PDF

23. Kardiyoloji yayınlarında gündem ve yorumlar
Ertan Ural
Page 335
Abstract |Full Text PDF

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