1. | The Effect of Existence of Advanced Collateral Circulation on Myocardial Viability and Functional Recovery After Revascularization Y.İbrahim BARAN, Sümeyye GÜLLÜLÜ, Bülent ÖZDEMİR, Aysel Aydın KADERLİ, Tunay ŞENTÜRK, Adem EKBUL, Ali AYDINLAR, Jale CORDAN Pages 335 - 343 |
2. | Initial / İntensive Cardiovascular Examination Regarding Blood Pressure Levels:Evaluation of Risk Groups (ICEBERG 1-2) Kemalettin BÜYÜKÖZTÜRK, Barış İLERİGELEN, Giray KABAKÇI, Nevres KOYLAN, Ömer KOZAN Pages 344 - 349 |
3. | Role of C-Reactive Protein for Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with Mitral Stenosis Bahar PİRAT, Bülent ÖZİN, Serpil EROĞLU, Aylin YILDIRIR, Haldun MÜDERRİSOĞLU Pages 350 - 355 |
4. | Prevalance of the Metabolic Syndrome and Its Effect on Inhospital Outcomes in Patients With Unstable Angina Pectoris Nazmiye ÇAKMAK, Mahmut ÇAKMAK, Ahmet AKYOL, Abdurrahman EKSİK, İzzet ERDİNLER, Ahmet Taha ALPER, Enis OĞUZ, Nurten SAYAR, Kadir GÜRKAN Pages 356 - 363 |
5. | Association of Cardiovascular Calcifications with Coronary Artery Disease Adnan ABACI, Abdurrahman OGUZHAN, İbrahim ÖZDOGRU, Tarık SİRKECİ, Orhan ELÖNÜ, Ergun SEYFELİ, Burhanettin KIRANA TU KIRANATLI, Sibel SALUR, Ali Ergin ERGİN Pages 364 - 370 |
6. | Do Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitors Raise Coronary Event Risk? Murat GENÇBAY Pages 371 - 375 |
7. | Resynchronization Therapy in Heart Failure Y.Mehmet MELEK, Özlem Batukan ESEN, Ali Metin ESEN, İrfan BARUTÇU Pages 376 - 389 |
OLGU | |
8. | Double-Orifice Mitral Valve Anomaly Oben DÖVEN, Y.Dilek ÇİÇEK, Mustafa YURTDAŞ, Y.Ahmet ÇAMSARI Pages 390 - 392 |
9. | Ventricular Tachycardia Originating From the Valsalva Sinus of Left Coronary Cusp Ata KIRILMAZ, Fethi KILIÇASLAN, Eralp ULUSOY, Kürşad ERİNÇ, Ergün DEMİRALP Pages 393 - 396 |
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