ISSN 1016-5169 | E-ISSN 1308-4488
Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology - Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars: 31 (4)
Volume: 31  Issue: 4 - April 2003
1. Proceedings of the 19th European Congress of the International Society of Non-Invasive Cardiology- Brief Communications of Selected Lecturer (Continued)

Pages 189 - 197
Abstract |Full Text PDF

2. The Relationship Between Severity of Coronary Artery Disease and Endothelial Dysfunction
İstemihan Tengiz, Ertuğrul Ercan, Nezihi Barış, Sema Güneri, İstemi Nalbantgil
Pages 198 - 203
In this s/udy, ıhe relalionship was evaluated between Flow-MediCIIed Dilation (FMD) and Nitrate-Induced Dilation (N ID) of brachial artery and severity of coronary artery disease. Study group was cansisred of 64 patients w ith angina pectoris who had estab/ished coronary artery disease documented by coronary angiography (Group I), 12 patients who had normal coronary arteries with abnormal exercise test (Group ll) and 18healthy subjects who had normal exercise test. FMD and NID were calculaıed as the percent change in elianıeter compareti to baseline ofbrachial artery. According the angiographicjindings, Group 1 patients were divided into two subgroups as single or multi vessel disease. Results were compareel among the groups. FMD was significantly tower in Group l and lllhan Group III (p<0.001 ). NID was significantly higlıer in Group If and III than Group 1 (p0.05); however NID was significantly higlıer in Group ll than Group 1 (p0.05), FMD was significantly higher in palienls who had multi vessel disease lhGiı s ing le vessel (p<0.001 ). İ Tengiz ve ark. Koroner arter has talığı nın ciddiyeti ile endotel disfonksiyonu arasındaki ili şk i Abnormal FMD of the brachial artery is relared to severity of coronary artery disease and it may be a markerfor progressive course of the disease. Normal NID of the brachial Cll·tery suggests that possible deficiency in the endogenous nitric oxide activities in patients with angiographically normal coronary arteries and abnormal exercise test.

3. Slight Decline in Turkish Cardiovascular Publications 2002 Covered by Science Citation Index
Altan Onat
Pages 204 - 212
The progress of the output of publications in cardiovascular medicine ariginaring from Turkey: ı· institutions ıvere evaluated based on the data of the Web of Science. After exe/usian of meeting absu·acts and fetters to the editOt; articles in full-text appearing in source publications of Science Citation Index CD Edition al one ıvere included. A ı veiglıted eredil system ıva s u see/ for it em s published jointly w ith a foreign or a noncardiological Turkish institution. A total of 95 m·ticles ı ve re identified w/ı i cl ı represented a dim.inution. by 5% over the previous year. Thus, Turkey's sitare of ıvorld pırblica tion output in cardio vascırlar medicine declined in2002 slightly to 6.6 per nıille. Cardiology w ith 74 articlesıvas anticipatedly alıead of cardiovascular surgery with 14, and pediatric cardiology with 7 articles. Median impact factor of source publications remained at 1.0. Turkey 's Advanced Specialty Hospital res u med it s leading position. lt appears thatthe recent regulation on academic promotion affected cardiovascular publications in a ı vcıy that loıver qua/ity periodicals, covered by SC/ Expanded only, tended to be preferred.

4. Randomized-Controlled Trials, Benefit of Scepticism
Erdem Diker, Sinan Aydoğdu
Pages 213 - 218
Same treatmentsfor diseases have been ıhoughtto produce large effects on death or disability. Such expectations might derive from extrapolation of the effects of treatment on surrogate outcomes. For example, cardiac arrhythmias are associated witlı poor prognosis, and antiarrlıyıhmic drıtgs can markedly reduce tlıeirfrequency. However, various antiarrlıythmic regimens have beenfound to increase, rather than decrease mortality. So, trials of new tlıe rapies in medicine should typically conıpare the new treatment to a control group. The control group receives the treatment agahıst whiclı the test intervention is being compared. These Irials as referred as controlled trials. Randomized controlled trials typically involve the randomizaıion. of patients to either the control or test treatments. Randomization has importanl constructive injluences on seleelian bias or likelilıood of comparab/e groups. These trials are the go/d standard for eva/uaıing new therapies, and they form the foundation for the /ıighestlevels of recommendation in practice gıtideline documents that stress ev idence based medicine. Although suc/ı Irials provide valid comparison of therapies, the generalizatian of results must be analyzed cautiously. In this article we discussed some possible drawbacks ofrandomized-conırolled ırials. Clinicians should be aware oftlıe drawbacks ofrandomized controlled Irials during the interpretation of results.

5. Brugada Syndrome
Mustafa Soylu, Ahmet Duran Demir, Şule Korkmaz
Pages 219 - 225
The Brugada syndromeisa nıalignant primary electrical disease of the heart caıısed by a defect in an ian channel gene, resulring in abnormal electrophysiologic acıivity in the right ventricle and characterized by( 1 i a phenotypic ST-segment elevation in the right-sided precordial leads often accompanied by apparent condııction block in the righı ventricle, (2igrossly sırııctıırally normal heart, ancP! a propensity for life-threatening venıricular tachyarrlıyıhmias. Due to elinical and genetic heterogeneity of the syndrome, patients w ith Brugada syndrome present a great challenge, botlı in establislıing the diagnosis and de termining the prognosis. Patients at risk often show pe riodie normalization of the ir ECG, leading to underestimation of ineidence of the Brugada syndrome. Sodium chanrıel blackers can be used to unmask the syndrome. The only ıınequivocally ejj"ective treatment to date is an implan.table cardiac defıbrillatOJ; which should be considered in symptomatic and asymptomaıic individuals witlı positive electrophysiologic testin.g. In this papet; we aimed to review the advances in the Brugada syndrome in connectiorı witlı two asymptomatic cases with pasili ve pharmacological stimulation tests.

6. Leiomyoma Extending to the Right ventricle: Case Report
Yurdaer Dönmez, Mehmet Kanadaşı, Ayhan Usal, Handan Zeren
Pages 226 - 229
lntravenous leiomyomas originaıe from the u terine myomas and may spread inıravenously. Leiomyomas ra rely can reach the right fıearı caviıies and may caııse various cardiovascular sym.ptoms. They may be misdiagnosed as ıhrom /nıs and same complications dııe to anti thrombotic treatment nıay occur. Sudden death risk arises iftlıe leiomyoma reaches to the tricuspid valve. We report a gianı leionıyonıa cas e that originated from the iliac veins, reached the right ventricle and predisposed to the development of endocarditis.

7. A Rare Complication of Coronary Surgery: Saphenous Vein Graft to Right Atrial Fistula
Serdar Ener, Akın Serdar
Pages 230 - 233
Saplı enous ve in graji to riglıt atrial jisrula is an extreme/y ra re complication following coronary surgery. Aorta to riglı t atria/ shunting via saphenous vein graft was shown ang iog raplıicaly in a case in postoperarive third year. Fisrulous COII IInunication was ciased using a minimalIy invasive surg icalmetlı od with successfull outcome.

8. A Case of Dilated Cardiomyopathy Associated with Volatile Substance Abuse
Mutlu Vural, Şennur Ünal Dayı, Zeynep Tartan, Hülya Kaşıkcıoğlu, Ertan Ökmen, Neşe Çam
Pages 234 - 238
Paint thinner has widespread use in industry. The use ofthinner among children has become a social and health problem.This report presenis the case of a 21 year old man witlı congestive cardionıyopathy associated wir/ı volatile subsıance abuse. After giving up the solvent use he ma de a rapid and complete recovery. Because of the increasing prevalance of the problem, we aimed to review the literature regarding to acute and chronic medical complications associated with the exposure or abuse of volatile substances.

9. Radiofrequency Current Catheter Ablation of Accessory Pathway in Ebstein?s Anomaly and a Review of the Literature
M Hakan Dinçkal, Vedat Davutoğlu, Serdar Soydinç, Yusuf Sezen
Pages 239 - 243
A 16-year-old fema le w ith Ebstein's anomaly adm iııed to the hospital due to paroxysmal supraventricul ar taclıyca rdia (SVT), which is refractory to propafenone. A surface ECG showed a short PR interval and a right posteroseptal preexcitation confinning the diagnosis of Wolff-Parkinson-White's (WPW) syndrome. Orthodromic-, antidromic atrioventricular reentrant ıac h ycardia (AVRT) and atrial fi bri llation were induced by programmed electrical stimulation. Radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation was performed successfully on posteroseptal s ite above the septal valve at the tricuspid annulus. The patient has been free from arrhythmias dur ing a follow-up period of 9 months. RF ca theter ab la tion of accessory pathway is a curative therapy w ith i ts special difficulties in Ebstein's anomaly. Related literature was reviewed.

10. Letter to the Editor
Melih Hulusi US
Pages 244 - 245
Abstract |Full Text PDF


Pages 246 - 247
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Page 248
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