ISSN 1016-5169 | E-ISSN 1308-4488
Brugada Syndrome [Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars]
Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars. 2003; 31(4): 219-225

Brugada Syndrome

Mustafa Soylu1, Ahmet Duran Demir1, Şule Korkmaz1

The Brugada syndromeisa nıalignant primary electrical disease of the heart caıısed by a defect in an ian channel gene, resulring in abnormal electrophysiologic acıivity in the right ventricle and characterized by( 1 i a phenotypic ST-segment elevation in the right-sided precordial leads often accompanied by apparent condııction block in the righı ventricle, (2igrossly sırııctıırally normal heart, ancP! a propensity for life-threatening venıricular tachyarrlıyıhmias. Due to elinical and genetic heterogeneity of the syndrome, patients w ith Brugada syndrome present a great challenge, botlı in establislıing the diagnosis and de termining the prognosis. Patients at risk often show pe riodie normalization of the ir ECG, leading to underestimation of ineidence of the Brugada syndrome. Sodium chanrıel blackers can be used to unmask the syndrome. The only ıınequivocally ejj"ective treatment to date is an implan.table cardiac defıbrillatOJ; which should be considered in symptomatic and asymptomaıic individuals witlı positive electrophysiologic testin.g. In this papet; we aimed to review the advances in the Brugada syndrome in connectiorı witlı two asymptomatic cases with pasili ve pharmacological stimulation tests.

Keywords: Brugada syndrome, ventricular tachyarrhythmias, sudden cardiac death

Manuscript Language: Turkish

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SCImago Journal Rank: 0.348

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