ISSN 1016-5169 | E-ISSN 1308-4488
Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology - Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars: 26 (9)
Volume: 26  Issue: 9 - December 1998
1. Summaries of Articles

Pages 516 - 519
Abstract | English Full Text

Editöryal TKD Arşivi 1998 Yılında Düzeyli Yayınını Sürdürdü
Altan ONAT
Pages 520 - 521
Abstract |Full Text PDF

3. Value of Stress-Recovery Index on Exercise ECG in Detection of High-risk Patients on Exercise Tl-201 Scintigraphy
Mehmet AKSOY, Metin GÜRSÜRER, Ayşe EMRE, Hakan AKYÜZ, Turgut SİBER, Kemal YEŞİLÇİMEN, Birsen ERSEK
Pages 522 - 528
W e sought to determine the value of a new exercise testing index (Stress-Recovery Index (SRI)) combining information on the amount and kinetics of ST depression in the heart rate domain during exercise and recovery to detect high-risk patients on exercise TI-201 scintigraphy. 122 cases without previous myocardial infaretion underwent symptomlimited treadınili exercise testing and Tl-201 SPECT imaging. At the end of each test, the lead exhibiting the greatest ST depression was selected for fıırther analysis to calculate the SRI. Heart rate and corresponding ST segment values were entered in a formerly-designed computer program to automaticaUy calculate SRI values. SPECT images were divided into 20 segments and the number of segments with redistribution defect (RD) were identifıed per patient. Patients were divided into 2 groups as the low-risk group (RD<5, n=88) and the high-risk group (RD~. n=34). The mean SRI of the 2 groups were 5.5±13 and -19.8±15 mm. beats.min-1, respectively (p<0.0001). Moreover, patients with increased lung uptake and left ventricular dilatation indicating high risk at Tl-20 1 scintigraphy had lower SRI values compared to those without (-22.3±14 vs. -5.5±12 mm. beats.min- 1, p<0.0001; -24.2±13 vs.- 6.1±14; p

4. Incidence of Congenital Heart Disease in Male, Young Adults in Turkey
Pages 529 - 533
Knowing about relative frequencies of congenital heart disease (CHD) and coexisting cardiac malfonnations has diagnostic importance, inasmuch as common 1esions should be considered before rarer lesions. The aim of this study is to determine the ineidence of CHD in male, young adults in Turkey. 1919813 male, bom in 1972- 1975 were examined during their military duty. The ones who were suspected or complaints or history to have cardiovascular disease were evaluated further in cardiology cilinics of different military hospitals. The patients who have CHD were determined retrospectively. Mitral valve prolapsus, interatrial septal aneurysm, bicuspid aortic valve, subaortic membrane w ithout gradient and left ventricular false tendon were excluded. We detected 1407 (%0.07) patients to have CHD. At least one of three commonest CHDs, atrial septal defects (%35) ventricular septal defect (%26), and pulmonary stenosis (%13) was detected in nearly %75 of these patients.

5. Effect of Nitrovasodilators on Nitric oxide-cyclic GMP Pathway during Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Bülent TÜNERİR, Yavuz BEŞOĞUL, Turan YAVUZ, Abdelmajeed ALEqaidat, Recep ARSLAN, Behçet SEVİN, Tuğrul KURAL
Pages 534 - 537
This study, aimed to evaluate the effect of nitrovasodilators on the pathway of nitric oxideguanosine monophosphate (cGMP) administrated preoperatively to patients under going coronary artery bypass grafting under cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Of 30 cases who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting, 15 were administrated isosorbieder dinitrate preoperatively, and 15 cases with out angina pectorisa were weaned from nitrated drugs and remained as a control group. Before and after CPB, plasma cGMP levels of blood samples taken from coronary sinus were measured. The two groups disclosed no statistically significant difference between mean data regarding age, sex, weight, aortic cross clamp time, and CPB time. Results: In the nitrate group, the mean plasma cGMP !eve! before CPB was measured as 5.76 ± 0.57 pmol/ml, and that of the control group was measured as 2.78±0.3 pmol/ml, while after CPB the mean plasma cGMP !eve! was 7.77±0.30 prnol/mJ in the nitrate group and 3.66±0.20 in the control group (p

6. The Renoprotective Effectiveness of Single-dose Diltiazem in Patients Undergoing Coronary Angiography
Mehmet Emin KORKMAZ, Abdülkerim BEDİR, Nurol ARIK, Haldun MÜDERRİSOĞLU, Melek ULUÇAM, Murat KORKMAZ, Bülent ÖZİN, Mevlüt BAŞKOL, Kaan KILINÇ, Bahattin ADAM
Pages 538 - 543
In order to evaluate the possible protective effect of single-dose diltiazem injection on contrast-induced renal injury, we measured urinary enzymes and renal hemodynamics in both a control group (n:49) and a diltiazem group (n:5l) in 100 patients undergoing angiocardiography. Each patient collected 24 hour urine. The dilitiazem group received diltiazem i.v. single dose of 0.25 mg/kg (max 25 mg). No medications were given to the controls. Fifteen minutes Jater diltiazem patients were taken to the operation table and the angio cardiographic examination was performed. After the study patients were hospitalized and urine was collected in the following 48 hours. In each 24 hours sample (baseline, day 1, day 2), urine volumes were carefully noted. Creatinine elearence and fractional sodium exeretian (FENA) were calculated and, urine alan ine aminopeptidase N-Acetyl-B-Dglucosaminidase, and angiotensin converting enzyme activity were measured. Diltiazem did not create any changes in the markers representative of contrast-induced tubulotoxicity. However, serum erea tİnine levels reduced significııntly after contrast media in the diltiazem group. These data imply that diltiazem may be of importance in preventing contrast-induced renal injury. A further study, in which a more sensitive test for glomerular filtration rate is used and diltiazem is given in a longer period and/or higher dose should be performed in order to determine the exact role of calcium antagonists in renal protection against contrast-media nephrotoxicity.

7. Patent Foramen Ovale: A Risk Factor for Stroke?
Haşim MUTLU, Serdar KÜÇÜKOĞLU, Zerrin YİĞİT, Hayriye KÜÇÜKOĞLU, Barış ÖKÇÜN, Aida BAVÇİÇ, Sinan ÜNER
Pages 544 - 550
We searched for patent foramen ovale (PFO) ın patients referred to our echocardiography department for various indications. The study consisted of 1712 patients referred to transesophageal echocardiographic (TEE) examination between May 1995 and June 1998. Patients were evaluated in three groups according to their TEE indication. Five-hundred eighty-three patients who had valvular heart disease were excluded. Group I consisted of 42 patients (16 men, 26 women) under 40 years of age who were evaluated for a potential source of cardiac emboli. Group ll included 191 patients (95 men, 96 women) over 40 years of age who were likawise evaluated for a potential source of cardiac emboli. Group m consisted of 338 patients u nder 40 years of age ( 130 men, 208 women) sent for indications other than cardiac embolic source. Group IV consisted of remaining 558 patients over 40 years of age (274 men, 284 women) who were also, sent for indications other than evaluation of cardiac embolic source. PFO was evaluated by contrast study which was done with agitated saline injected into antecubital vein, and right-to-left shunting was evaluated in the fırst 3-5 cardiac cycles with and without Valsalva maneuver. Results: Overall PFO was seen in 99 of ı 129 patients (8.8%) watherees it occurred in 10 (23.8%), ıl (5.8%), 38 (I 1.2%), and 40 (7.2%) patients in Group I, ll, ın, and IV, respectively. Thaugh no statistically significant difference existed between Group II and Group IV, significant differences were found between Group I and Group ill (p<0.03). In conclusion, PFO is seen in approximately 8.8% of patients referred for young er patients with stroke are more bik:ely to reveal PFO than other groups. W e recommend that TEE and saline contrast study be done in young stroke patients.

8. The Value of Exercise Induced Qrs Axis Deviation
Beyhan ERYONUCU, Lale KOLDAŞ, Mehmet BİLGE, Niyazi GÜLER, Necati SIRMACI
Pages 551 - 556
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the localization of coronary artery obstructions obtained angiographically and exercise induced ST depression and QRS axis shift during treadınili exercise test. Thirty-five patiends with one vessel disease and positive treadınili test and 1 O cases w ith negative treadınili test (contral group) were stadied. In patients with one vessel desease, exercise induced ST segment depression, QRS axis shift and relationship between the responsible vessel were evaluated. There was no significant difference between exercise induced ST segment depression and the Iocalitazion of coronary artery obsturction (p>0.05). But there was significant difference in exerice induced left axis shift (> 1 0°) between patients, w ith Ieft anterior descending artery (LAD) disease and right coronary artery disease, circumflex artery disease, control group (p<0.05). In patients with LAD disease, exerice induced left axis shift had a sensitivity of 45% nd specificity 100%. We concluded that exercise induced ST depression is not a usefull marker in localizing coronary artery obstructions but exercise induced left axis shift is a highly specific marker in patients with LAD disease.

9. Case Reports Double-chambered Right Ventricle: Experience of Five Cases
Murat DEMİRTAŞ, Serdar ÇİMEN, Mehmet KAPLAN, Osman BOLCA, Mehmet EREN, Hakan SAYRAK, Bülend KETENCİ, Önder TESKİN, Sabri DAĞSALI, Tuna TEZEL
Pages 557 - 560
Double-chambered right ventricle (DCRV) is an uncommon form of right ventricular obstruction. The differential diagnosis of DCRV from other causes of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction is very important. Concomitant membranous ventricular septal defect is found in at least 80 percent of patients. There may be an aneurysmatic pouch in the septuro (MSA). Between December I 996 and April 1998, we operated on five cases of DCRV. Preoperative diagnoses of the first three patients were VSD+MSA, VSD+PS, and VSD+AI, respectively. The diagnosis of DCRV+VSD was established in only the fourth and fifth cases. Mean age of the patients was I 6, and fo ur of the were female. Resection of the anomalous fibrous and muscular bundles and patch closure of the ventricular septal defect was performed in all patients. Concomitant aortic valve replacement was undertaken in one case. Post-repair direct pre~s ure measurements revealed an average gradiyent of 7 mm Hg between the inlet and outlet portions of the right ventricle. Direct measurements of the oxygen saturations showed no shunt on the interventricular septum. lt should be stressed that preoperative diagnosis of DCRV is very important to ensure a safe and adequate repair and to prevent irreversible consequences for the patient's prognosis.

10. Effects of Simvastatin Alone or in Combination With Continuous Combined Hormone Replacement Therapy on Serum Lipid Levels in Hypercholesterolemic Postmenopausal Women
Ali Serdar FAK, Mithat ERENUS, Oğuz CAYMAZ, Hakan TEZCAN, Pamir ATAGÜNDÜZ, Sena TOKAY, Şule OKTAY, Ahmet OKTAY
Pages 561 - 567
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of simvastatin alone or together with continuous combined hormone replacement therapy on the serum lipid profile in hypercholesterolemic postmenopausal wowen. Patients and Methods: One hundred hypercholesterolemic postmenopausal women were stratified to one of the two treatment arms; simvastatin 10 mg daily together with estrogen 0.625 mg and medroxyprogesterone 2.5 mg daily (group A) (n: 50) or simvastatin 10 mg daily (group B) (n:50). Serum total, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and triglyceride levels were measured at baseline, at 3 and 6 months; and laboratory and elinical evidence of adverse events were monitored periodically throughout the study. Results: The initial mean (± SD) cholesterol values were as follows for groups A and B, respectively: total cholesterol 240.0±28.0 and 248.9±28.2 mg/di; LDL-cholesterol 174.7±25.6 and 1 75.1±25.9; HDL cholesterol 37.2±5.0 and 39.9±9.7.3 mg/d!. Compared with the baseline, total and LDL cholesterol levels decreased; and HDL cholesterol levels increased significantly at 3 and 6 months in both groups. However, the mean percent reduction in total cholesterol anad LDL~cholesterol was significantly greater in group A compared with group B both at 3 months (12.3±7.0% vs 8.9±6.2 %; p<0.01; and 19.0±10.6% vs 13.2±10.4 %; p<0.005, respectively) and at 6 months (14.6±7.7 % vs 1 1.3±7.4 %; p<0.05 and 23.3±9.7 % vs 15.8±12.3 %; p<0.005, respectively). The mean percent increase in serum HDL-cholesterol concentrations was also significantly greater in group A compared with group B at both times (14.6±1 1.8 % vs 9.8±1 1.8 %; p<0.005, at 3 months, and 21.3±15.2% vs l 1.1±12.5; p<0.005, at 6 months, respectively). Furthermore, significantly more patients in group A than in group B attained their target treatment goals dictated by the NCEP guidelines. Although the mean percent decrease in triglyceride levels was significantly greater in group in group A at 3 months, the significance disappeared at 6 months. Conclusion: The combination of simvastatin and continuous combined hormone replacement therapy seems to be more effective than sirnvastatin alone in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia in postmenopausal women.

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