Knowing about relative frequencies of congenital heart disease (CHD) and coexisting cardiac malfonnations has diagnostic importance, inasmuch as common 1esions should be considered before rarer lesions. The aim of this study is to determine the ineidence of CHD in male, young adults in Turkey. 1919813 male, bom in 1972- 1975 were examined during their military duty. The ones who were suspected or complaints or history to have cardiovascular disease were evaluated further in cardiology cilinics of different military hospitals. The patients who have CHD were determined retrospectively. Mitral valve prolapsus, interatrial septal aneurysm, bicuspid aortic valve, subaortic membrane w ithout gradient and left ventricular false tendon were excluded. We detected 1407 (%0.07) patients to have CHD. At least one of three commonest CHDs, atrial septal defects (%35) ventricular septal defect (%26), and pulmonary stenosis (%13) was detected in nearly %75 of these patients.
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