1. | Summaries of Articles Pages 4 - 7 Abstract | English Full Text |
2. | Clinical Investigations The Influence of the Fontan Operation on Ventricular Systolic Functions in Patients With Single Ventricle Gülhis BATMAZ, Ayşe SARIOĞLU, İrfan Levent SALTIK, Gül Sağın SAYLAM, Yar.Barbaros KINOĞLU, Tayyar SARIOĞLU Pages 8 - 13 |
3. | Echocardiographic Evidence of Asymptomatic Heart Involvement in Behçet's Disease Mehmet KABUKÇU, Serdar AKSÖYEK, Osman ÖZCEBE, Giray KABAKÇI, Kurdert AYTEMİR, Keman ÖVÜNÇ, Lale TOKGÖZOĞLU, Semra DÜNDAR, Aysel ORAM, Sırrı KES Pages 14 - 18 |
4. | Role and Prognostic Significance of Inflammation in Acute Myocardial Ischemia Okan ERDOĞAN, Zeki ÖNGEN Pages 19 - 25 |
5. | Assessment of Myocardial Bridges: A Retrospective Study Cemal SAĞ, Nadir BARINDIK, Kürşad ERİNÇ, Mehmet UZUN, Cevdet ERDÖL, Tuncay ALTUN, Oben BAYSAN, Hasan Fehmi TÖRE, Deniz DEMİRKAN Pages 26 - 29 |
6. | Diagnostic Value of Angiographic Collateral Vessels to Determine Myocardial Viability Ertan URAL, Vedat SANSOY, Murat GÜLBARAN, Zerrin YİGİT, Kemalettin ŞIŞLI, Rasim ENAR, Deniz GUZELSOY Pages 30 - 34 |
7. | Evaluation of Factors Influencing the Patency of Internal Mammarian Artery in Proximal Left Anterior Descending Artery Cemal SAĞ, Mehmet UZUN, Ata KIRILMAZ, Hürkan KURŞAKLIOĞLU, Kürşad ERİNÇ, Oben BAYSAN, Deniz DEMİRKAN Pages 35 - 38 |
8. | Evaluation and Management of Aortic Valve in Proximal Aortic Dissections Hakan POSACIOĞLU, Yüksel ATAY, Faik OKUR, Bülent ÇETİNDAĞ, İlker ALAT, Levent CAN, Alp ALAYUNT, Münevver YÜKSEL, Suat BÜKET, Önol BİLKAY Pages 39 - 44 |
9. | Reviews Therapeutic Use of Amiodaron and Sotalol in Ventricular Arrhythmias Remzi KARAOĞUZ, Muharrem GÜLDAL Pages 45 - 53 |
10. | Diastolic Functions: Physiology, Dysfunction and Echocardiographic Assessment of Diastolic Functions Nazlıhan GÜNAL, Arman BİLGİÇ Pages 54 - 64 |
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