The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the localization of coronary artery obstructions obtained angiographically and exercise induced ST depression and QRS axis shift during treadınili exercise test. Thirty-five patiends with one vessel disease and positive treadınili test and 1 O cases w ith negative treadınili test (contral group) were stadied. In patients with one vessel desease, exercise induced ST segment depression, QRS axis shift and relationship between the responsible vessel were evaluated. There was no significant difference between exercise induced ST segment depression and the Iocalitazion of coronary artery obsturction (p>0.05). But there was significant difference in exerice induced left axis shift (> 1 0°) between patients, w ith Ieft anterior descending artery (LAD) disease and right coronary artery disease, circumflex artery disease, control group (p<0.05). In patients with LAD disease, exerice induced left axis shift had a sensitivity of 45% nd specificity 100%. We concluded that exercise induced ST depression is not a usefull marker in localizing coronary artery obstructions but exercise induced left axis shift is a highly specific marker in patients with LAD disease.
Keywords: Coronary artery, disease, Exercise treadmill test, Left axis shift, ST depression.Copyright © 2024 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology