OBJECTIVE Hypertension (HT) is prevalent in the general population and is associated with significant cardiovascular adverse events. Major structural and electrical remodeling occurs in the ventricular myocardium in response to the pressure overload. Increased left ventricular mass (LVM) and myocardial fibrosis contribute to the prolongation of the R wave peak time (RWPT), which may indicate electrical remodeling in patients with HT. We evaluated predictors for prolonged RWPT among patients with a previous diagnosis of HT.
METHODS Consecutive patients who had a previous diagnosis of arterial HT and presented to the cardiology clinic for routine visit were included in the study. The standard 12-lead surface electrocardiography (ECG) and transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) was performed on all the patients included in the study for evaluating RWPT and the epicardial fat tissue (EFT). The upper limit for the RWPT was accepted as 40 milliseconds (ms).
RESULTS Between February 2019 and February 2020, 453 patients were screened; and of these, 237 were included in the study. The mean age was 62.1±11.2 years, and 41.8% of the included patients were men. The mean RWPT of the study population was 41.9±10.8. The RWPT was prolonged in 55 patients, and the remaining 172 patients had normal RWPT. In the univariate analysis, EFT (Odds ratio [OR] 1.222; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.077-1386; p=0.002), the left ventricular mass index (LVMI) (OR 1.011; 95% CI 1.001-1.021; p=0.026), and fragmented QRS (fQRS) (OR 2.679; 95% CI 1.433-5.004; p=0.002) were associated with a prolonged RWPT. Multivariate analysis revealed that only EFT (OR 1.211; 95% CI 1.061-1.383; p=0.005) and fQRS (OR 2.796; 95% CI 1.459-5.359; p=0.002) predicted prolonged RWPT.
CONCLUSION Among the patients with HT, EFT and fQRS predicted prolonged RWPT. These findings may suggest that compared with increased LVM, myocardial fibrosis had a more significant impact on ventricular activation time.
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