Relaptionship between systolic and diastolic blood pressure and body mass index, grade of physical activity, plasma lipid levels and presence of diabetes mellitus was investigated in the surviving 1112 men and 1146 women traced in 1995 (and initially examined in 1990) among a random sample of Turkish adults. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure was classified into two normal and one abnormal tertiles, and relationships were sought in two age categories (young 24-44 years, elderly 45-74 years) and after age adjustment. The magnitude of change in blood pressure accompanying a change of 10% in each risk parameter was studied. Blood pressure was dependent in both genders most consistently on the body mass index. A 10%-rise in relative weight was associated with a blood pressure rise of 40/22 mmHg in men and of 23/16 mmHg in women. A similar increase in plasma triglycerides accompanied a systolic pressure rise of 18 and 16 mmHg in men and women, respectively. Plasma cholesterol exhibited a weaker relation to blood pressure, except for elderly women. A decline by one-quarter physical activity grade was associated with a blood pressure elevation of 38/10 mmHg in men while no relation between the two mentioned parameters existed in women. It is worth emphasizing that these interrelations were valid within the frame of normal values and moderate disturbances of blood pressure and of other risk parameters and that extrapolation to severe deviations of risk factors from normal may be misleading. The clustering in women of four other risk factors with systolic hypertension (> 130 mmHg) was studied. After adjustment for age, diabetes was 1.7 times more often clustered to hypertension as compared to normotensive women. Obesity, more strongly interdependent with hypertension, was 2.8 times more frequently linked to hypertension in young women, and 1.8 times in elderly women. Plasma cholesterol and triglycerides were strongly clustered to abnormal systolic pressure in young women alone. In one among every 70 adult Turkish women, four risk factors comprised in the syndrome X coexisted. It was thus concluded that a positive linear relation exists in Turkish adults between blood pressure on the one hand and relative weight, plasma lipid levels -and physical activity in men- on the other. In the normal state functions such as the regulation of blood pressure, body weight and lipid metabolism are closely linked to each other.
Copyright © 2025 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology