The ideal substitute for the diseased aortic valve is yet to be found . We documented the effects of the Freestyle stentless valve (Medtronic Tnc . Minneapolis Minn.) on elinical outcome and ı eft ventricular mcchanics. The valve was implanted in 2 ı patients, age ranging from 62 - 88 years (mean 71 ± 3.2) 1 6 were mal e and 5 female. In 14 patients the modified subcoronary technique was used for vaıve implantation and the other 7 patients received a total root replacement. The mean ischemic time was 90 ± ı 3 mi nu tes. There were no in-hospital deaths or major complications. Mean stay in the intensive care w as I .3 day s and m ean hospita ı s tay w as 7±2 day s. At discharge, 2 patients had triviaı aortic insufficiency, and all other patients had perfectly functioning aortic valves. Follow-up period ranged between 4- ı 8 months (mean ı ı months). During th is period, hemodynamic function improved, gradients dropped slightl y (p=ns), and there were no valverelated complications. During the follow-up period, trivial aortic insuffiency seen in two patients at discharge, remained the same. Corsequently, we advocate the use of this tyse of valve in patients requiring biological valves.
Keywords: Stentless valve, aortic valve replacementCopyright © 2025 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology