ISSN 1016-5169 | E-ISSN 1308-4488
Aortic Valve Replacement with a Stentless Bioprosthesis: A Report of 21 Cases [Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars]
Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars. 1999; 27(3): 159-162

Aortic Valve Replacement with a Stentless Bioprosthesis: A Report of 21 Cases

Belhhan AKPINAR1, Mustafa GÜDEN1, Bülent POLAT1, Ertan SAĞBAŞ1, İlhan SANİSOĞLU1, Bingür SÖNMEZ1, Cemi DEMİROĞLU1

The ideal substitute for the diseased aortic valve is yet to be found . We documented the effects of the Freestyle stentless valve (Medtronic Tnc . Minneapolis Minn.) on elinical outcome and ı eft ventricular mcchanics. The valve was implanted in 2 ı patients, age ranging from 62 - 88 years (mean 71 ± 3.2) 1 6 were mal e and 5 female. In 14 patients the modified subcoronary technique was used for vaıve implantation and the other 7 patients received a total root replacement. The mean ischemic time was 90 ± ı 3 mi nu tes. There were no in-hospital deaths or major complications. Mean stay in the intensive care w as I .3 day s and m ean hospita ı s tay w as 7±2 day s. At discharge, 2 patients had triviaı aortic insufficiency, and all other patients had perfectly functioning aortic valves. Follow-up period ranged between 4- ı 8 months (mean ı ı months). During th is period, hemodynamic function improved, gradients dropped slightl y (p=ns), and there were no valverelated complications. During the follow-up period, trivial aortic insuffiency seen in two patients at discharge, remained the same. Corsequently, we advocate the use of this tyse of valve in patients requiring biological valves.

Keywords: Stentless valve, aortic valve replacement

Manuscript Language: Turkish

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