ISSN 1016-5169 | E-ISSN 1308-4488
Genetics and genomics of pulmonary arterial hypertension [Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars]
Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars. 2014; 42(1): 17-28

Genetics and genomics of pulmonary arterial hypertension

Florent Soubrier1, Wendy K. Chung2, Rajiv Machado3, Ekkehard Grünig4, Micheala Aldred5, Mark Geraci6, James E. Loyd7, C. Gregory Elliott8, Richard C. Trembath9, John H. Newman7, Marc Humbert10
1Pitié-Salpêtrière Genetics Department, Paris Hospitals Public Health System (APHP), Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris 06 (UPMC) University, Unité Mixte de Recherche en Santa (IFRS) 956 Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale INSERM, Kardiyometaboliz and Nutrition Institute, Paris, France
2Columbia University Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics and Medicine, New York, USA
3Lincoln University, School of Life Sciences, Lincoln, England
4Heidelberg University Hospital, Pulmonary Hypertension Center, Heidelberg, Germany
5Genomic Medicine Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
6University of Colorado Denver, Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Department, Aurora, Colorado
7Vanderbilt University Medical Center North, Pulmonary Hypertension Center, Allergy, Pulmonary and Critical Care Division, Nashville, Tennessee, USA
8University of Utah, Intermountain Medical Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
9Department of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, King's College, London, England
10Centre de Référence de l'Hypertension Pulmonair the Sévère, Service de Pneumologi the Hôpital de Bicêtre, APHP, Le Kremlin Bicêtre, Université Paris-Sud, Faculté de Médecine, Le Kremlin Bicêtre; Département Hospitalo-Universitaire (DHI) thorax Innovation, AP-HP, Le Kremlin Bicêtre; IFRS 999, INSERM, Université Paris-Sud, LABEX Lermit, Lannelongu the Centre Chirurgical Marie, Le Plessis Robinson, France

Major discoveries have been obtained within the last decade in the field of hereditary predisposition to pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Among them, the identification of bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 2 (BMPR2) as the major predisposing gene and activin A receptor type II-like kinase-1 (ACVRL1, also known as ALK1) as the major gene when PAH is associated with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Themutation detection rate for the known genes is approximately 75% in familial PAH, but the mutation shortfall remains unexplained even after careful molecular investigation of these genes. To identify additional genetic variants predisposing to PAH, investigators harnessed the power of next-generation sequencing to successfully identify additional genes that will be described in this report. Furthermore, common genetic predisposing factors for PAH can be identified by genome-wide association studies and are detailed in this paper. The careful study of families and routine genetic diagnosis facilitated natural history studies based on large registries of PAH patients to be set up in different countries. These longitudinal or cross-sectional studies permitted the clinical characterization of PAH in mutation carriers to be accurately described. The availability of molecular genetic diagnosis has openedup anewfield for patient care, including genetic counseling for a severe disease, taking into account that the major predisposing gene has a highly variable penetrance between families. Molecular information can be drawn from the genomic study of affected tissues in PAH, in particular, pulmonary vascular tissues and cells, to gain insight into the mechanisms leading to the development of the disease. High-throughput genomic techniques, on the basis of next-generation sequencing,nowallow the accurate quantification and analysis of ribonucleic acid, species, including micro-ribonucleic acids, and allow for a genome-wide investigation of epigenetic or regulatory mechanisms, which include deoxyribonucleic acid methylation, histone methylation, and acetylation, or transcription factor binding. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2013;62: D13–21) ª 2013 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.

Keywords: BMPR2, genetics, genomic, pulmonary hypertension

Corresponding Author: Florent Soubrier, France
Manuscript Language: Turkish

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