The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and diastolic func tions by new echocardiographic methods. By this aim 35 (28 hypertensive, 7 normotensive) patients (19 M, 16 F, mean age± SD: 55.9 ± ı 1.7 years) w ith L VH who had left ventricle mass index (LVMI) > 134 g/m2 in men and > ı 10 g!m2 in women and angiographically proven to be free of significant coronary artery lesi o n s ( < 40 % stenosis) were studied. The mean (±SD) LVMI was ı58.4 ± 28.9 glm2. Using an Aloka SSD 2200 echocardiography device, mitral E and A velocities and time integrals (E and Avti), i sovoıumetri c relaxation time (IVRT), E deceleration time (EDT), A flow time (A-t), and pulmonary vein reversal flow time (PA-t) were measured in every patient. Lateral mitral annulus early and Iate diastolic velocities (Em, Am), Em deceleration time (EmDT), Am flow time (Am-t) were evaluated by tissue Doppler imaging. Color M-mode imagings of the mitral valve in apical 4-chamber view were obtained to ıneasure propagation velocity (Yp) and Yp acceleration time (Yp-at). No significant correlation w as fo und between L YMI and EDT, A-t, E/A, PA-t, and Aın-t (r=0.22, 0.23, - O.ı6, 0.28, and 0.31 , respectively). LYMI was weakly correlated with IYRT and Evti/Avti (r=0.45, -0.39, respectively) and had a good correlation with Em/Am, EınDT, Yp, and Yp-at (r= -0.66, 0.54, - 0.65, and 0.57 , respectively). Comparing the subgroups with and without hypertension, lower Em/Am, longer EınDT, lower Yp, and longer Yp-at were found in patients with hypertension. In evaluating of left ventricular diastolic functions, ıneasureınents obtained by tissue Doppler imaging and color M-ınode have better correlations with L YMI, coınpared to conventional ıneasureınents .
Keywords: Left ventricular hypertrophy, diastolic function, tissue and color M-ınode DopplerCopyright © 2025 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology