Eleven patients with coronary artery fistula proved by angiography or surgery were studied using twodimensional, pulsed Doppler and Doppler color flow mapping. The coronary artery fistula drained into the right ventricle in 10 cases and the right atrium in 1 case. The dilated coronary artery was visualised in all patients. The right coronary artery was involved in 2 patients and the left coronary artery in 9. Internal diameter of dilated coronary artery/aorta ratio was found to be 0.26 to 0.54 (mean 0.38±0.11). Doppler color flow mapping performed in 8 of 11 patients and color flow imaging visualised abnormal flow signals with mosaic appearance in the right ventricle in 7 of 8 patients. The entry site of the fistula in which abnormal signals were detected corresponded with the angiography. In conclusion, echocardiography (especially color Doppler imaging) is a useful noninvasive method in diagnosing coronary artery fistula.
Keywords: Coronary artery fistulas, echocardiographyCopyright © 2025 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology