Epidemiologic studies have shown that serum iron can be a risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD). The relation of serum ferritin !eve! and transferrio saturation with CAD was investigatcd in this study. Four-hundred male patients (mean age 56±4) who were hospitalized for coronary angiography in our clinic were included in this study. Paı ients were divided into two groups: control group n=ı 49 (coronary angiography normal), case group n=25ı (CAD prescnt). Transferrio saturat ion was categorized as :5:10% and > 10%. Serum ferri tin !eve! was grouped as <200ng/ml and 2!200ng/ml. A nonsignificant weak negative relation (p=0.5) was idcntified between serum ferrit in level and CAD by multivariate logistic regression analysis. No significanı relation (P=0.4) was noted between serum transferrio saturation and CAD. The results did not gain statistical significance for both transferrio saturation and ferritin !eve! when patients with high LDL-choJesterol !eve! were included in the model. Thus, our results do not support the hypothesis on a relation between serum iron stoı·es and CAD.
Keywords: Coronary artery disease, ferritin, transferrio saturation.Copyright © 2025 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology