ISSN 1016-5169 | E-ISSN 1308-4488
Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology - Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars: 44 (6)
Volume: 44  Issue: 6 - September 2016
1. Frequency of genetic polymorphism for adrenergic receptor beta and cytochrome p450 2D6 enzyme, and effects on tolerability of beta-blocker therapy in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction patients: The Beta GenTURK study
Mehdi Zoghi, Hakki Kaya, Yuksel Cavusoglu, Enbiya Aksakal, Serafettin Demir, Ceyhun Yucel, Hasim Mutlu, Oktay Ergene, Mehmet Birhan Yilmaz, On Behalf Of The Beta Genturk Study
PMID: 27665326  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2016.10733  Pages 457 - 465

2. Right ventricular function in coronary slow flow: A two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiographic study
Ali Hosseinsabet, Shima Yarmohamadi, Sima Narimani, Nazanin Amini-farshidmehr
PMID: 27665327  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2016.72699  Pages 466 - 473

3. Diagonal earlobe crease associated with increased epicardial adipose tissue and carotid intima media thickness in subjects free of clinical cardiovascular disease
Murat Ziyrek, Sinan Sahin, Emrah Ozdemir, Zeydin Acar, Serkan Kahraman
PMID: 27665328  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2016.37806  Pages 474 - 480

4. Relationship between functional capacity and socioeconomic status in a cohort of Turkish heart failure patients
Hakkı Kaya, Meltem Refiker Ege, Ali Zorlu, Osman Beton, Hasan Güngör, Ahmet Temizhan, Yeşim Güray, Yüksel Çavuşoğlu, Mehdi Zoghi, Mehmet Birhan Yılmaz, On Behalf Of TREAT-HF Investigators
PMID: 27665329  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2015.85594  Pages 481 - 487

5. Physical inactivity and low quality of life of Turkish women after hospitalization for coronary heart disease: Inferences from EUROASPIRE III
Lale Tokgözoğlu, Sercan Okutucu, Ergun Barış Kaya, Çetin Erol, Oktay Ergene
PMID: 27665330  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2016.30788  Pages 488 - 497

6. Cardiac evaluation in children with hemangiomas
İlkay Erdoğan, Faik Sarıalioğlu
PMID: 27665331  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2016.65171  Pages 498 - 502

7. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with Jeune syndrome: The first reported case
Osman Güvenç, Saime Sündüs Uygun, Derya Çimen, Eyüp Aslan, Ali Annagür
PMID: 27665332  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2015.29677  Pages 503 - 506

8. First trans-subclavian transcatheter aortic valve replacement using Lotus valve system
Serdal Baştuğ, Abdullah Nabi Aslan, Cenk Sarı, Hakan Süygün, Engin Bozkurt
PMID: 27665333  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2015.81242  Pages 507 - 510

9. Eosinophilic myocarditis associa ted with eosinophilic pneumonia and eosinophilia following antibiotic and narcotic analgesic treatment
Aziz İnan Çelik, Ali Deniz, Mustafa Tangalay, Muhammet Buğra Karaaslan, Emine Bağır Kılıç
PMID: 27665334  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2015.09056  Pages 511 - 513

10. Reverse Takotsubo cardiomyopathy following intra-abdominal surgery
Burak Açar, Özgür Kırbaş, Sefa Ünal, Zehra Gölbaşı, Sinan Aydoğdu
PMID: 27665335  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2016.33348  Pages 514 - 516

11. Congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries in patient with atrial septal defect and acute inferior segment myocardial infarction
Veysel Tosun, Necmettin Korucuk, Mustafa Serkan Karakaş, Ünal Güntekin
PMID: 27665336  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2015.34624  Pages 517 - 520

12. Balloon valvuloplasty for aortic stenosis using umbilical vein access in a newborn: First experience in Turkey
Kemal Nişli, Serra Karaca, Aygün Dindar
PMID: 27665337  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2016.39969  Pages 521 - 523

13. Depression following coronary artery bypass grafting surgery revisited
Nosratollah Pourafkari, Leili Pourafkari, Nader D Nader
PMID: 27665338  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2016.49697  Pages 524 - 529

14. Massive liver hematoma secondary to overdose of warfarin treatment
Çetin Geçmen, Muzaffer Kahyaoglu, Ecem Yanık, Mesut Alp Karatas, Ibrahim Akin Izgi
PMID: 27665339  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2016.88472  Page 530
Abstract |Full Text PDF

15. An extremely unusual pacemaker complication
Ricardo C Rodrigues, André Correia, Susana Gomes, Graça Caires, Décio Pereira
PMID: 27665340  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2016.12980  Page 531
Abstract |Full Text PDF

16. Cannon ‘A’ waves during complete atrioventricular block
Luis Álvarez - Acosta, Alejandro Quijada - Fumero, Raquel Pimienta - Gónzalez, Julio S. Hernández - Afonso
PMID: 27665341  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2016.45640  Page 532
Abstract |Full Text PDF | Video

17. Left atrial appendage ostial stenosis in a patient with rheumatic mitral valve disease
Muhittin Demirel, Cüneyt Toprak, Emrah Acar, Servet İzci, Lütfi Öcal
PMID: 27665342  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2016.33490  Page 533
Abstract |Full Text PDF | Video

18. Isolated accessory mitral valve leaflet
Mehrnoush Toufan, Leili Pourafkari, Nader Nader
PMID: 27665343  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2016.89356  Page 534
Abstract |Full Text PDF | Video

19. A patient with ventricular fibrillation and inverted Takotsubo syndrome triggered by sinus surgery: plausible causes, and electrocardiographic features
John Madias
PMID: 27665344  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2016.22924  Page 535
Abstract |Full Text PDF

20. Authors’ reply
Gültekin Günhan Demir, Gamze Babur Güler, Ekrem Güler, Hacı Murat Güneş, Filiz Kızılırmak
PMID: 27665345  Pages 536 - 537
Abstract |Full Text PDF

21. Cholesterol embolization syndrome
Joob Beuy, Viroj Wiwanitkit
PMID: 27665346  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2016.65623  Pages 537 - 538
Abstract |Full Text PDF

22. Authors' reply
Nazlı Dizman, Kübra Aydın Bahat, Şeyma Özkanlı, Abdullah Özkök
PMID: 27665347  Page 538
Abstract |Full Text PDF

23. Ductus arteriosus aneursym causing hoarseness which is the best treatment option; surgery or endovascular?
Namık Ozmen
PMID: 27665348  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2016.89289  Page 539
Abstract |Full Text PDF

24. Authors' reply
Onur Sinan Deveci, Aziz Inan Celik, Caglar Emre Cagliyan, Nazan Ozbarlas, Mustafa Demirtas
PMID: 27665349  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2016.57438  Pages 539 - 540
Abstract |Full Text PDF

25. Cardiology agenda
Ertan Ural
Page 541
Abstract |Full Text PDF

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