ISSN 1016-5169 | E-ISSN 1308-4488
Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology - Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars: 31 (12)
Volume: 31  Issue: 12 - December 2003
1. 2003, a Year of Transition for the Archives of the TSC

Pages 735 - 736
Abstract |Full Text PDF

2. TSC Guidelines on Diagnosis And Management of Atrial Fibrillation

Pages 737 - 761
Abstract |Full Text PDF

3. The Risk Factor Survey of 2003 in Western Turkey Indicates Trend to Declining Coronary Mortality and Urban Overall Mortality
Altan ONAT, Mehmet YAZICI, İbrahim SARI, Serdar TÜRKMEN, Bülent UZUNLAR, Hüseyin UYAREL, Mehmet ÖZMAY, Vedat SANSOY
Pages 762 - 769
With the aim of assessing, among others, the coronary morbidity and mortality in the past 27-month period, the last survey of the Turkish Adult Risk Factor Study was conducted in August, 2003 in the Marmara and Central Anatolian regions. Epidemiological methods applied were as previously described. In a total of 1560 individuals of the cohort, 1028 men and women were examined. Furthermore, information was obtained in 422 persons, and death was ascertained in 18 men and 13 women. Eleven new deaths of coronary origin were diagnosed at a follow-up over 2965 person-years. Estimated annual all-cause mortality amounted to 10.5 per mille, coronary mortality to 3.7 per mille. In the age-bracket 45-74 years, total mortality was 13.4 and coronary mortality 4.2 per mille. A total of 28 cases of new fatal and nonfatal coronary heart disease (CHD) corresponded to an annual rate of 10.6 per mille. Furthermore, randomly selected 200 men and women aged 38 to 69 years from 11 communities were newly recruited in the survey’s cohort for future follow-up. Though no evidence for a reduction existed in overall new CHD events, coronary and overall mortality tended to decline (to 5 and 12 per 1000 person-years, respectively) since year 2000; the decline in overall mortality appeared to take place in urban areas.

4. Heart Rate Turbulence Does Not Seem To Be A Good Predıctor in Long Qt Syndrome
Ersel ONRAT, Dayimi KAYA, Ataç ÇELİK, Mehmet MELEK, Kadir KERPETEN, Celal KİLİT, İrfan BARUTÇU, Ali Metin ESEN
Pages 770 - 775
The long QT syndrome (LQTS) is associated with recurrent syncope, ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death. It was shown that heart rate turbulence (HRT) predicts mortality and sudden cardiac death following myocardial infarction. In this study our aim is to examine HRT parameters in sudden cardiac death survivors with LQTS. Four patients with LQTS (mean age 12.5±1,8) were included in the study. Their 24 hours ambulatory electrocardiograms (ECGs) were recorded with Reynolds recorder device in a drug free period. Holter recordings were analyzed with Reynolds Medical Pathfinder Software Version V8.255. HRT was determined with HRT! View Version 0.60-0.1 software program and turbulence onset (TO) and turbulence slope (TS) were determined. In Holter recordings all patients where in sinus rhythm and atrial fibrillation, ventricular and supraventricular tachycardia attacks were not observed. TO and TS values of patients were found within normal range. TO values were lower than 0 and TS values were bigger than 2.5. In conclusion, HRT has no predictive value for assessing mortality and sudden death following myocardial infarction in patients with LQTS. HRT may not be a good risk predictor for LQTS.

5. Applications of Stem Cell Implantation in Cardiology
Pages 776 - 780
angioplasty, an important amount of myocardial damage occurs in acute myocardial infarction. Until recently myocardium was thought to be a postmitotic organ and had no regenerative ability. In recent human and animal studies it has been shown that cardiac myocytes can be regenerated to a certain extent. Recent studies also promise that myocyte regeneration cycle can be modified by cellular therapies or some cytokines. Promising results were obtained by implantation of skeletal myoblasts and stem cells obtained or mobilized by cytokines from bone marrow into the myocardium via different routes. Our review summarizes current studies about stem cell therapies in post myocardial infarction period and in chronic ischemic heart disease.

Radyokontrast İlişkili Nefropati
Pages 781 - 788
Radiocontrast induced nephropathy (RCIN), a complication of diagnostic and curative interventions using contrast material, is an imporatant cause of in-hospital morbidity and mortality. Identifying patients at risk and taking precautions leads considerable decreases in frequency of RCIN. Under the light of epidemiological and experimental researchs made till today, this article has focused on clinical consequences, risk factors and preventive measures of RCIN.

7. A Case with Paget Shrotter Syndrome: A Rare Primary Upper Vein Thrombosis
Pages 789 - 792
Thrombosis of deep veins of the upper extremity (UEDVT) is quite rare, accounting for only 1-2% of deep ve in thrombosis in the body. Primary UEDVT is a rare disorder that refers either to effort thrombosis or idiopathic UEDVT. Paget-Schrotter syndrome, effort thrombosis, was initially deseribed in 1875 in the patients w ith spontaneous UEDVT, usually intheir dominant arnı, after a strenous activity. The heavy exertion causes microtrauma to the vessel intima and leads to activation of the coagulation cascade. Anticoagulation, the comerstane of the therapy, helps to maintain patency of venous collaterals and reduces thrombus propagation. In this paper, we present a patient with well-developed collaterals, and could be treated w ith warfarin successfully. Paget-Schrotter syndrome should be considered in the dif.ferential diagnosis in a young patient admitted with pain and swelling of dominant upper extrenıity. Although the patient, presented in this paper, was treated with anticoagulation successfully, to prevent the complications such as post-thronıbotic syndrome that nıay affect the health quality of these young patients, more aggressive treatnıents, such as thronıbolysis, should be considered.

8. Author Index

Pages 793 - 798
Abstract |Full Text PDF

9. Subject Index

Pages 799 - 802
Abstract |Full Text PDF

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