1. | Summaries of Articles Pages 260 - 263 Abstract | English Full Text |
2. | Clinical Investigations Prevalence Trend in Diabetes in Turkish Adults: a Cohort 5-Year Follow-up Study Altan ONAT, Barış ÖKÇÜN, Dursun DURSUNOĞLU, Kenan DÖNMEZ, Göksel KAHRAMAN, İbrahim KELEŞ, Vedat SANSOY Pages 264 - 268 |
3. | Angioplasty of the Proximal Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery: Initial Success and Long-term Follow-up Servet ÖZTÜRK, Murat GÜLBARAN, Tevfik GÜRMEN, Muzaffer ÖZTÜRK Pages 269 - 271 |
4. | Acute Effect of Cigarette Smoking on Left Ventricular Functions in Healthy Nonsmoker Men Armağan ALTUN, Ayhan GÜRÇAĞAN, Birol ÖZKAN, Gültaç ÖZBAY Pages 272 - 275 |
5. | Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia in a Case of Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia Cengizhan TÜRKOĞLU, Kamil ADALET, İnci FIRATLI, Nilgün İNCESOY, Muzaffer ÖZTÜRK Pages 276 - 280 |
6. | Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation Uğur Kemal TEZCAN, Erdem DİKER, Murat ÖZDEMİR, Gülümser HEPER, Sengül ÇEHRELİ, Ali ŞAŞMAZ, Şule KORKMAZ, Siber GÖKSEL Pages 281 - 288 |
7. | Clinical Efficacy of Trimetazidine in Stable Angina Pectoris: A Double-blind Placebo-Controlled Study Serdar AKSÖYEK, Mehmet KABUKÇU, Kenan ÖVÜNÇ, Giray KABAKCI, Kudret AYTEMİR, Ali OTO Pages 289 - 292 |
8. | Oxidative Stress and Antioqxidant Status in Unstable Angina Pectoris Ömer ÇOLAK, Özkan ALATAŞ, Necmi ATA, Y. Ahmet ÜNALIR, Mine İNAL Pages 293 - 295 |
9. | Effects of Left Atrial Plication for Gian Left Atrium on Left Ventricular Function and Postoperative Hemodynamics B. Hayrettin ŞİRİN, Ahmet BALTALARLI, Ayhan AKÇAY, Cengiz ÖZBEK, Nagehan KARAHAN, Mansur ŞAĞBAN Pages 296 - 299 |
10. | Pseudoaneurysms Developing as a Complication of Catheterization Atilla ARAL, Bülent KAYA, Levent YAZICIOĞLU, Hakkı AKALIN Pages 300 - 303 |
11. | Evaluation of Efficacy of the Transtelephonic Electrocardiographic monitoring in Pediatric Patients Kürşad TOKEL, Alpay ÇELİKER, Mustafa Koray LENK, Sema ÖZER, Şencan ÖZME Pages 304 - 307 |
12. | Detachable Coil Occlusion of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Children Ümrah AYDOĞAN, Bahriye TANMAN, Türkân ERTUĞRUL, Yusuf İzzet AYHAN Pages 308 - 310 |
13. | Review An Effective Transmitter: Nitric Oxide Nazmi GÜLTEKİN, Murat ERSANLI, Emine KÜÇÜKATEŞ Pages 311 - 320 |
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