1. | Summaries of Articles Pages 84 - 87 Abstract |Full Text PDF |
2. | Investigations Survey on Prevalence of Cardiac Disease and its Risk Factors in Adults in Turkey: 4. Blood lipid Levels Altan ONAT, Günsel ŞURDUMAVCI, Mustafa ŞENOCAK, Ender ÖRNEK, Mehmet İŞLER, Ufuk ÖZIŞIK, Yaşar KARAASLAN, Yavuz GÖZÜKARA, Veyis TAŞKIN, Fehmi TABAK, Özden ÖZ, Remzi ÖZCAN Pages 88 - 96 |
3. | Balloon Dilatation For Discrete Subaortic Stenosis: Immediate Outcome And Hemodynamic One-Year Follow-Up Tuğrul OKAY, İsmet DİNDAR, Mehmet ÖZDEMİR, Nuri ÇAĞLAR, Yelda BAŞARAN Pages 97 - 100 |
4. | Radionuclide Assessment of Left and Right Ventricular Functions in Patients With Tetrology of Fallot Y.Belkıs ERBAŞ, İlhan PAŞAOĞLU, Şencan ÖZME, Coşkun F. BEKDİK, A.Yüksel BOZER Pages 101 - 105 |
5. | Assessment of Mitral and Aortic Flows in Systemic Hypertension with Continuous Doppler Ahmet IŞIK, Cemal LÜLECİ, Ali DEMİR, Hüseyin ÇELİKER, Nadi ARSLAN, Oğuz AYHAN Pages 106 - 112 |
6. | Primary Total Repair for Cyanotic Congenital Heart Diseases in Saudi Adults: A 9-Year Retrospective Analysis Hassan RAFFA, Abdool Aniff SOREFAN, Mohamed Taher KAYALI Pages 113 - 116 |
7. | Prediction of Pulmonary Artery Pressures by the Ratio of Pulmonary to Systemic Pressures Derived from Pulsed Doppler Echocardiography Oktay SANCAKTAR, Ali Rıza KAZAZOĞLU, Tuğrul OKAY, Serdar AKSÖYEK, Mehmet ÖZDEMİR Pages 117 - 122 |
8. | The Effects of Fish and Fish Oil Consumption on Plasma Lipoproteins Bahtiyar ŞENGÜN, Baki KOMSUOĞLU, Bilal GÖRÇİN, Ekrem L. DUMAN, Hayrettin KIZILKAYA, Ali BAYRAM Pages 123 - 128 |
9. | Assessment of Diastolic Function in Coronary Artery Disease with Doppler Echocardiography Yelda BAŞARAN, Mehmet ÖZDEMİR Pages 129 - 134 |
10. | Dentification of High Risk Coronary Anatomy by Means of Exercise Test Variables Vedat SANSOY, Deniz GÜZELSOY, İsmail EREN, Afife BERKYÜREK, Mefkure PLATİN, Mustafa ÖZCAN, Nilgün GÜRSES, Cem DEMİROĞLU Pages 135 - 142 |
11. | New Myocardial Imaging Agent, Tc 99m MİBİ: Clinical Application, Advantages, and Limitations Deniz GÜZELSOY, İsmail EREN, Vedat SANSOY, Afife BERKYÜREK, Cem DEMİROĞLU Pages 143 - 146 |
12. | Cardiovascular Side Effects of Antidepressant Drugs Sema TANRIÖVER, Baki KOMSUOĞLU, Nafiz ULUKUTLU, Mehmet BEKAROĞLU, Hayrettin KIZILKAYA Pages 147 - 153 |
OLGU | |
13. | Successful Thrombolysis on a Saint Jude Medical Prosthesis in the Aortic Position Mefküre PLATİN, Haydar YAVUZ, Havva ÖREN, Sinan ÖZBAYRAKÇI, Tayyar SARIOĞLU, Deniz GÜZELSOY, Cem DEMİROĞLU Pages 154 - 155 |
14. | Surgical Treatment of Stradding Tricuspid Valve Associated with Double Outlet Right Ventricle Tufan PAKER, Halil TÜRKOĞLU, Tayyar SARIOĞLU, Mehmet Salih BİLAL, Ayşe SARIOĞLU, Aydın AYTAÇ Pages 156 - 158 |
15. | Blood Cyst of the Tricuspid Valve: Case Report Osman YEŞİLDAĞ, Sırrı KES, Nasıh NAZLI, Aysel ORAM, Haldun MÜDERRİSOĞLU, Rıza DOĞAN Pages 159 - 160 |
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