The survey aimed to determine to which extent major coronary risk factors were recorded in the medical files of coronary heart disease (CHD) patients at hospitalisation and at an interview 6 months later, and whether recommendations regarding prophylactic drug therapy, smoking, diet and exercise were recorded. A total of 547 consecutive patients' medical records were examined from 15 cardiac centers and general hospitals located in different geographical regions of the country. Among patients having their first coronary event, the diagnosis was AMI in 69%, unstable angina in 20% and first elective or emergency PTCA or CABG in 11 %. Mean age of the patients was 58.1±10, 23% of whom were women. In-hospital mortality rate was 5.1, and 2.2% had died by the time of the interview. In 28.7% a PTCA and in 16.1% a CABG was undertaken. Thirteen % of survivors did not attend the interview at the 6th month. The charts in 43% of patients lacked information on hypercholesterolemia and in 25% on diabetes. Fiftyeight % smoked cigarettes, 20% were obese (BMI ? 30 kgm²), 49% were hypertensive (SBP ? 140 and/or DBP ? 90 mmHg and/or on antihypertensive drugs), 58% had high total plasma cholesterol (? 200 mg/dL). In 57% the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL-C was over 5. In 31 % fasting blood glucose concentration was over 126 mg/dL. By the time of the interview 22.5% were stili snıoking cigarettes and 17% obese, 44% had high blood pressure, 41% high total plasma cholesterol, 44% high total cholesterol/HDL-C ratio, and 16% high fasring blood glucose concentration. Reported aspirin use was 78% in the hospital and 74% at the 6th month. The figures for beta-blockers were 49% and 28.5%, for ACE-inhibitors 38% and 17.8%, nitrates 67% and 47%, calcium channel blockers 22% and 24.8%, statins 23% and 27%, respectively. Every 2 patients out of 5 were not on diet and were leading a sedentary life-style. Risk factor modification and reported drug therapy were even more unfavorable in the revascularized (PTCA and CAGB) group. It was concluded that by means of effective risk factor modification and appropriate use of prophylactic drugs, there remains stili a great potential for cardiologists and physicians to reduce further the mortality and morbidity in Turkish patients with established coronary heart disease.
Keywords: Coronary heart disease, risk factors, drug therapy, cigarette smoking, secondary preventionCopyright © 2025 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology