In a representative sample population of three Western regions of Turkey, comprising 1046 adults aged 30 or over, acute phase reactants blood fibrinogen and C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured as were b1ood pressure, anthropometric measures, p1asma 1ipids and lipoproteins; in addition, smoking status and physical activity grade were assessed. Coronary heart disease was diagnosed based on el inical findings and on Minnesota coding of resting electrocardiograms. Mean age of men and women was simi lar: 50.8 ± 12.6 and 51.2±13.1 years, respectively. No significant difference ex isted in the genders regarding the means of CRP (geometric, 1.9 and 2.0 mg/L) and of fibrinogen (3.1 5±1.17 and 3.40±1.16 g/L). The two inf lammatory markers were significa ntly correlated (r = 0.26) with each other. CRP concentrations were correlated with the components of the metabolic syndrome X and with all the other measured risk parameters except for smoking status. In men, CRP was correlated in particular with measures of (central) obesity, apolipoprotein B, blood pressure and fibrinogen. As independent deterıninants emerged for CRP values, age, f ibrinogen, waist c ircumference, total cholesterol, and (inversely) physical activity grade. Independent associations with fibrinogen levels were observed for age, waist-to-hip ratio, CRP quartiles, smoking status and (inversely) physical activity grade. When mean values in apparently healthy subjectsfor fibrinogen (3.4 g/L) and CRP (1.86 ıng/L) were compared with those in patients with CHD (3.7 g/L and 3.97 mg/L, respectively), CRP (p
Manuscript Language: Turkish
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