A 50-year-old feına le patient suffering from an intravenous leiomyoma invading the right atrium was reported. Echocardiographically ılıere was an ellipsoid, smooth-edged mass in the right atrium extending inside the infcrior vena cava (IVC). The tricuspid valve w as normal. During surgery, the intracardiac mass and its extensions to the IVC and the right atrium were partially resected. Because of tight attachments to the vascular wall, extensions in the right renal vein and the second mass inside the distal portion of the IVC could only parıially be excised. Bleeding from the lumbal veins and IVC was serious and she died in the early postope rative period because of hemorrhagic el i a tlı esis and myocardial fai lure. T he excised mass was patho logically reporteel as an intravascular Jeiomyoma.
Keywords: Intravenous leiomyoma, right atrial mass, vena cava inferiorCopyright © 2025 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology