Doppler echocardiographic calculation of regurgitant orifice area (ROA) is a different approach in the assessment of the severity of aortic regurgitation (AR), but these Doppler methods are based on indirect calculation of ROA, However, there is no available echocardiographic study in which diastolic coaptation defect of the regurgitant aortic valve measured by planimetry. The aim of this study is to evaluate AR severity by planimetric measurement of diastolic coaptation defect in patients who underwent transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). Diastolic coaptation defect was defined as diastolic aortic valve malcoaptation area (DA VMA). Study population comprised 90 patients (M 38, F 52, mean age 42±26) with AR which were gradedas mild (n=45), moderate (n=3 ı ) and severe (n=ı4) by hemodynamic assessment (HA). Mean values of DA VMA for each groups of AR grade were determined by TEE and cut-of limits which differentiate each corresponding AR grade from other grades were investigated. Mean DA VMA of mild, moderate and severe AR groups were O . ı5±0 . 05 , 0.29±0.08 and 0.68±0.21 cmı, respectively (mil d vs moderate P
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