There are limited numbers of case reports canceming pulmonary arterial (PA) thrombus (THR) detected by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), and these reports include cases with PATHR due to pulmonary embolism and primary pulmonary hypertension. In this paper, we report three (2 F,ı M, ages 6ı ,28 and 49) cases who had pulmonary hypertension secondary to atrial septal defect (ASD) and THR associated with spontaneous echo contrast (SEC) in abnormally dilated pulmonary arteries. Large ostium seeunduru type ASD was detected in two cases, and leakage of the sutured atrial septal patch in a third patient. Pulmonary artery systolic pressure of cases were calculated as ı70, 120 and 70 mm Hg, respectively. Thrombus was detected in right PA of first two cases, and in both right and left branches of PA of the third case. Concomitant SEC was also observed in all cases. To our knowledge, this is first report of thrombus in dilated pulmonary artery secondary to PHT associated with atrial septal defect.
Keywords: Thrombus, spontaneous echo contrast, pulmonary hypertension.Copyright © 2025 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology