Massive pulmonary embolism is a well-known cause of sudden cardiac arrest in the adult population. Systemic fibrinolysis can be a life-saving option. Therapeutic hypothermia is highly recommended for nontraumatic sudden cardiac arrest victims to minimize neurological complications. However, there are limited data about the use of therapeutic hypothermia for sudden cardiac arrest victims also treated with systemic fibrinolysis. Concerns about hypothermia-related coagulopathy and a possible tendency to bleeding have limited the use of cooling therapy in such cases. Presently described is a case of sudden cardiac arrest due to a massive pulmonary embolism that was successfully treated with the concomitant usage of systemic fibrinolysis and therapeutic hypothermia.
Keywords: Cardiac arrest, embolism, fibrinolysis; hypothermia; massive; pulmonary; systemic; therapeutic.Copyright © 2025 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology