Risk factors of atherosclerosis, early complications of acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and coronary angiographic features of 56 patients 35 years. old or younger (Group A) were compared with 108 patients older than 35 years (Group B). Among risk factors, the frequency of cigarette smoking (82.1 % vs 54.6 %) and heredity (46% vs 20 %) was significantly high in Group A, hypertension (51% vs 10.7 %) and diabetes (15.7% vs 1.8 %) in Group B. The number of risk factors per patient was also high in Group A (1.9±0.4 vs 1.6±0.9, p<0.05). The greater proportion AMIs was anterior (59% vs 44 %) in Group A, and inferior (41% vs 20 %) in Group B. Total number of conduction disturbances, complete heart block and early mortality (one patient in Group A and 15 patients in Group B) was significantly high in Group B. Coronary angiography was performed in 44 (78 %) patients in Group A, and 35 (32 %) patients in Group B within 6 months. The ratio of normal coronary arteries (18.2 % vs 2.9 %) and one-vessel disease (50% vs 22.9 %) was significantly greater in Group A, and two-three vessel disease (74.2 % vs 36.4 %) in Group B. The proportion of patients with Iocal occluded infarct artery was significantly greater in Group B (74% vs 46 %, p<0.001) We conclude that young patients with AMI have more risk factors, almost similar ratios of complications as older patients, but lower mortality rates, and mostly suffering from one vessel disease.
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