Objective of our study was to find whether the stent length affects the outcomes after coronary stenting. Ninety-five patients with 100 GFX coronary stents who were performed a six-month angiography were individually matched into a short-stent group (SS group, (18 mm, 53 stents in 5 ı patients) and a longstent group (LS group, (18 mm, 47 stents in 44 patients). Study groups were comparable in regard to the most of the possible predictors of adverse outcomes of coronary stenting, except lesion type and stent Jength.
RESULTS Early outcomes in SS and LS group, respectively; acute Q-wave MI was seen in 1 and 2 patients, an operation for CABG was required in 1 patient in both groups, stent thrombosis occurred in 1 and 2 patients (P>0.05 for all). There were no deaths during follow-up. At six month angiography binary restenosis ra te (50%) w as significantly higher in LS group (n=l4, 34%) than in SS group (n=7, 13%, P(0.05). Percent diameter stenosis of the target lesion at six month was significantly different between the groups (23 ± 27 o/o vs 44 ± 28 mm in SS and LS group, respectively, P
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