We used commercially available cyanoacrylate adhesive in 10 patients for he management of 6 different troublesome situations. In the first case of type II aortic dissection, distal suture line was reinforced and distal false lumen was obliterated by direct topical application of cyanoacrylate glue. In two cases, right ventricular free wall rupture was repaired by gluing a pericardial patch. In another four cases, postoperative sternal union was reinforced by the application of cyanoacrylate to the sternal edges. Femoral artery wall invaded with epidermoid carcinoma was reconstructed by the aid of cyanoacrylate. Bleeding from the left ventriculotomy suture line after cardiac hydatid cyst enucleation was controlled by gluing teflon felts over the suture line. In the last case, abundant bleeding from the aortotomy suture line after aortic valve replacement on a fragile aorta was controlled by gluing a teflon felt areund the aortotomy. All patients recovered uneventfully and were discharged from the hospital in good condition. Commercially available cyanoacrylate is a new adjunct to cardiac surgery in the management of troublesome situations with documented safety and life-saving results with a negligible cost.
Keywords: Cyanoacrylate, aortic dissection, sternal detachment, ventricular rupture, arterial reconstruction.Copyright © 2025 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology