Single-lead DDD-pacing is possible if stable atrial pacing is achieved without diaphragmatic stimulation. A new pacing mode with "overlapping biphasic impulse" (OLBI) stimulation which significantly reduced atrial pacing threshold has been reported. In this study the performance of OLBI stimulation was evaluated. In 10 patients (5 mal e, age 63± 13 years) w ith complete or seconddegree AV block, single-lead YDD systems w ith an additicnal atrial OLBI stimulation capability were implanted. Temporary OLBI atrial pacing and diaphragmatic stimulation thresholds, P and R wave amplitudes, electrode impedence and ventricular pacing thresholds were determined during implantation, before discharge and during 1, 3, 6- month follow-up period. Mean atrial pacing threshold (2.6±0.6V) did not change significantly during 6-month follow-up. Mean diaphragmatic stimulation threshold was 5.9±2V at implantation, and it was over 4.8V at 6th month which was the highest voltage that the pacemaker could apply for atrial pacing. In conclusion, the feasibility of OLBI stimulation for stable atrial pacing without diaphragmatic stimulation using floating atrial electrodes of single-lead system was verified in 80 percent of patients during 6-month follow-up period.
Keywords: Atrial pacing, DDD pacing, single lead systemCopyright © 2025 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology