Cor triatriatum sinister (CTS) is a rare adult congenital heart disease. The usual presentation may vary according to the size of the hole in the membrane in the left atrium and the pressure gradient. In addition to acute clinical presentations including acute pulmonary edema and sudden cardiac death, patients may present with chronic findings such as right heart failure due to pulmonary hypertension. The development of pulmonary hypertension is an important indicator of mortality. In cases where non-invasive methods are not sufficient for the diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension, exercise right heart catheterization may also be used. We present a patient with CTS, in whom the final decision was made with the help of an exercise right heart catheterization.
Keywords: Congenital heart malformation, cor triatriatum, echocardiography, exercise right heart catheterization, pulmonary hypertensionCopyright © 2025 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology