A search was made of medical publications arising from institutions in Turkey appearing in medical periodicals covered by the Science Citation Index and comprised in the ISf CD-ROM 1997 Annual. This revealed a total of 1640 medical items making up almost half of all scientific publications originating from Turkey. When adjusted for publications jointly materialized with foreign medical centers and with nonmedical Turkish faculties (which constituted roughly 8% of the total), and when letters to the editar and meeting abstracts w ere exeluded, ı O ı O artieles in full text remained (ineluding editarials and reviews). This represented 0.5% of share in the respective world medical publications and a rise of 25% over the previous year. Thus Turkey doubled her output of international medical publications each 3 years over the past decade - a remarkable feat. The rise pertained to publications in basic (preclinical) fields as well as in elinical disciplines. The seven medical faculties (located in the three big cities) which produced 5 ı % of all medical publications were as follows: Hacettepe. Ankara, İstanbul, Aegean, Cerrahpaşa, Gazi and September 9th. The most significant trend over the previous years was a diversification of the publishing centers, in particular the rise to 17% of the share of nonacademic institutions. In cardiovascular medicine, 52 artieles in full text appeared in 1997 which represents a share of more than 0.4% in the world. References of each of these art ieles are provided as an appendix.
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