ISSN 1016-5169 | E-ISSN 1308-4488
Relationship Between Level of Cell Adhesion Molecules and Extent of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Unstable Angina Pectoris [Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars]
Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars. 2003; 31(3): 136-140

Relationship Between Level of Cell Adhesion Molecules and Extent of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Unstable Angina Pectoris

Ertuğrul Ercan1, İstemihan Tengiz1, Ekin Ercan1, Azem Akıllı2, İstemi Nalbantgil2, Hüseyin Bozdemir1, Gül Bozdemir1, Okan Durmaz1

We evaluated the levels inflammatory markers in patients ıl'itlı coronary anery disease (CAD). The re /ationslı ip betı l'een e.rtelll ofatlıerosclerosis and inflammatory activity was also inrestigated in plllients ıı•itlı UliStab/eangina pectoris (AP) . Tlıiny- m1'0 patients ıvitlı unswble AP (Group /). 14 patients ıl'ith stable AP (Group ll) and /0 subject s ıııho had atlgiogropllicaly normal coronary arteries (Group lll) were included in the study. Coronary mıgiog raphy ıı·as petformed in all patients. Eight patients had single-vesse/ /esiom and 24 patients had multi-vessellesiolts in Group/. All ojpatients had multi- re.ue//esions in Group l l. Le ı ·els of eel/ ad!ıesionmolecules (VCAM-1. !CAM- I) and (C-reactire protein) ıı•ere determined as the ittf/annltOtOI"J markers in sennn and compareel mnong the groups. lnflanunatory m1arkers were signijicantly h iglı er in patiem1s ıvitlı coro1ıary anery disease e than normal subjects . In addition, these markers ıve re significantly lıigher im Group ! than Group ll (pOJJ5). In conclu.ı·ion. coronary artery disease. a clı ronic inflanınwtOI)I diJorder. tlı ere is activation oj acute in}7atnntation in patietus witlıtmswble AP. Ce// adlıesion mo/ecu/e.ı· ratlter than CRP uıay be tnore appropriate markers for the prediction of severity of CAD in the early stages of acute coronary syndromes.

Keywords: Coronary artery disease,inflammation,acute coronary syndrome

Manuscript Language: Turkish

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