We evaluated the levels inflammatory markers in patients ıl'itlı coronary anery disease (CAD). The re /ationslı ip betı l'een e.rtelll ofatlıerosclerosis and inflammatory activity was also inrestigated in plllients ıı•itlı UliStab/eangina pectoris (AP) . Tlıiny- m1'0 patients ıvitlı unswble AP (Group /). 14 patients ıl'ith stable AP (Group ll) and /0 subject s ıııho had atlgiogropllicaly normal coronary arteries (Group lll) were included in the study. Coronary mıgiog raphy ıı·as petformed in all patients. Eight patients had single-vesse/ /esiom and 24 patients had multi-vessellesiolts in Group/. All ojpatients had multi- re.ue//esions in Group l l. Le ı ·els of eel/ ad!ıesionmolecules (VCAM-1. !CAM- I) and (C-reactire protein) ıı•ere determined as the ittf/annltOtOI"J markers in sennn and compareel mnong the groups. lnflanunatory m1arkers were signijicantly h iglı er in patiem1s ıvitlı coro1ıary anery disease e than normal subjects . In addition, these markers ıve re significantly lıigher im Group ! than Group ll (p
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