Diameters of the main branches of the pulmonary arteries (PA) and descending aorta were studied echocardiographically in 226 normal healthy newborns, infants and children ranging in weight from 1870 gr - 67 kg (age 4 days to 16 years, mean 5.8). The PA diameter was measured by 2- dimensional echocar- diography from the suprastemal notch, and the descending aortic diameter from the subcostal view. McGoon ratio was calculated from the echocardiographic measurements. Children were divided in eight groups according to age. Because no differene was noted between the measurements of girls and boys, both were presented together. Regression equations and correlation coeffıcients of normal values were determined with age, weight and body surface area. Age related nomograms and confidence limits (95 %) were presented. Regression analysis of PA diameter on age and body surface area showed that body surface area correlated best with the diameters of the PA and descending aorta and this disclosed a best fıt with logarithmic function. The established nomograms for PA diameters and McGoon ratio will serve as a basis for evaluation in congenital heart disease.
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