A large patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) was detected in a seven-year-old girl with infective endarteritis. After appropriate medical treatment, the ductus which measured 4.1 mm on angiography was occluded percutaneously using two consecutive detachable coils (8 mm and 6.5 mm). Minimal residual shunt was observed in the catheterization laboratory, but echocardiographic examination performed on the following day showed complete occlusion. Percutaneous coil occlusion of PDAs complicated by infective endarteritis is a safe and effective procedure even if the defect is considerably large. However, special attention should be paid to complete closure without any residual shunt in order to prevent recurrent infections.
Keywords: Ductus arteriosus, patent/complications, embolization, therapeutic, endarteritis; heart catheterizationCopyright © 2025 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology