Free radical lipid peroxidation contributes to the abnormal metabolism and ventricular function frequently seen after cardiac operations. Antioxidants may improve metabolic and functional recovery. A prospective, randomized clinical trial was conducted to determine the effects of vitamin E and C in 20 patients who were divided into two equal groups undergoing elective coronary bypass operations. Myocardial enzyme levels and ventricular function were assessed after the operation; antiarrhythmic and inotrope requirements were recorded. Cardiac indices were higher in vitamin E and C-treated group 6 hours after surgery (p<0.05). Postoperative creatine-kinase MB levels were lower (statistically notsignificant) in patients who received vitamin E and C. In regard to the requirement of inotrope and anti-arrhythmic agents, no statistically significant difference existed between the vitamin E and C-treated group and the control group. Supplementation with vitamin E and C may be useful for coronary by-pass patients who under cardiopulmonary bypass.
Keywords: Vitamin E, vitamin C, coronary bypassCopyright © 2025 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology