It is well known, that deterioration in left ventricular functions and aortic distensibility occur in chron ic aoıti c regurgitation. A decrease in distensibility of the aorta may contribute to deterioration of the left ventricular functions. But in cases with chronic aortic regurgitation, our knowledge is limited on the effect of aortic valve replacement on aortic functions. The aim of this study was to show the effect of the aortic valve replacement on aortic functions in patients with aortic regurgi tation.
METHOD With thi s aim, 13 cases (2 women, ll men, mean age 36.8±6.2 years) who had chronic aortic regurgitation and needed aortic valve replacement were included in the study. One day prior and 48 hours after, surgery standard transthoracic echocardiography was performed in the patients. During the procedure, intralum inal arteria l pressure was recorded. Aortic strain, distens ibi lity and left ventricular systolic wall stress were measured.
RESULTS When compared before and after aortic valve replacement, significant decrease was found in left ventricular systol ic, diastolic diameters and systolic wall stress, systolic and pulse pressures after the operation (p
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