ISSN 1016-5169 | E-ISSN 1308-4488
The Relationship Between Severity of Coronary Artery Disease and Endothelial Dysfunction [Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars]
Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars. 2003; 31(4): 198-203

The Relationship Between Severity of Coronary Artery Disease and Endothelial Dysfunction

İstemihan Tengiz1, Ertuğrul Ercan1, Nezihi Barış3, Sema Güneri3, İstemi Nalbantgil3

In this s/udy, ıhe relalionship was evaluated between Flow-MediCIIed Dilation (FMD) and Nitrate-Induced Dilation (N ID) of brachial artery and severity of coronary artery disease. Study group was cansisred of 64 patients w ith angina pectoris who had estab/ished coronary artery disease documented by coronary angiography (Group I), 12 patients who had normal coronary arteries with abnormal exercise test (Group ll) and 18healthy subjects who had normal exercise test. FMD and NID were calculaıed as the percent change in elianıeter compareti to baseline ofbrachial artery. According the angiographicjindings, Group 1 patients were divided into two subgroups as single or multi vessel disease. Results were compareel among the groups. FMD was significantly tower in Group l and lllhan Group III (p<0.001 ). NID was significantly higlıer in Group If and III than Group 1 (p0.05); however NID was significantly higlıer in Group ll than Group 1 (p0.05), FMD was significantly higher in palienls who had multi vessel disease lhGiı s ing le vessel (p<0.001 ). İ Tengiz ve ark. Koroner arter has talığı nın ciddiyeti ile endotel disfonksiyonu arasındaki ili şk i Abnormal FMD of the brachial artery is relared to severity of coronary artery disease and it may be a markerfor progressive course of the disease. Normal NID of the brachial Cll·tery suggests that possible deficiency in the endogenous nitric oxide activities in patients with angiographically normal coronary arteries and abnormal exercise test.

Keywords: Flow-mediated dilation, nitrate-induced dilation, coronary artery disease

Manuscript Language: Turkish

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