The sampling of midventricular flow has recently begun to be utilized for the evaluation of diastolic functions. This study was planned to evaluate the changes observed on the midventricular flow pattem in patients with diastoJic dysfunction and symmetric or asymmetric left ventricular hypertrophy (L VH). The groups consisted of patients with symmetric LVH(n=l7), asymmetric LVH (n=13) and the control group (n=lO). The left ventricular end-systolic and end-diastolic diameters, interventricular septum and posterior wall diastolic thickness and left ventricle mass index were measured from echocardiographic recordings whereas E andA wave velocity, E wave deceleration time, RE (time from R wave on the electrocardiogram to peak of the Doppler E wave), RD (time onset early diastolic flow), DE (defined as the time from onset of flow to peak of E wave), the peak velocity of A wave, and the intervals between the peak (RA peak) and end (RA end) of A wave were measured by PW recordings obtained from mitral valve and midventricular level. The differences between E wave velocity, RE and RD intervals for the study groups and the control group were significant (p<0.05) whereas the differences between the symmetric and asymmetric L VH groups were not significant. The intervals RA peak and RA end of mitral valve level and midventricular level were increased in the study groups (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between DT and DE intervals and A wave peak velocity for both levels (p>0.05).Hence, the diastolic flow patterns of mitral valve and midventricular level showed no signifıcant differences in the control group, but at the diastolic dysfunction states such as hypertrophied ventricles with augmented atrial contraction, the Iate diastolic flow velocity and interyals of samples obtained from mitral valve level or midventricular level showed significant differences.
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