In the old and newly recruited cohorts of the Turkish Adult Risk Factor Srudy consisting of 2350 men and ıvomen (n1ean age 52±12 years). body mass index (BM/). ıvaisr circwnference and waist-to -lıip rario (WHR) were assessed cross-secrionally and prospectively. Coronary lı e art disease (CHD) ıva s diagnosed based 0n elinical jindings and Minnesota coding of resring electmcardiograms. Ar standardized age. meanıvaist circumferellce and BM/ inmen ıvere 90.7 cm and 27.3 kglm2. respectively. and inıvomen 90.8 ile 29.1 kglm2. respectiı• is esiimared rlıar 10.5millioll adıı/ts (22 .6% ofmell and 61% of women) in Turkey may be designated ro lıa ve abdomina/ obesity. Fol/oıving difference inmagnitude or ratio oj variab/es e.xisted across tlıe /ıiglıest and fowest quintifes ojwaist circumference: 22 mg/d! in apofipoprotein (apo) B. 3.5-fold to 2-fo/d in C-reactive protein (CRP). 2 to 2.4-jofd in fasring senun ilmtfin concentrations. Furtlıermore. diabetes was morefrequent by 2.2-fold in men and by 4.8-jofd in women across rlıese quintifes. In a fogisric regression cmalysis over a 4-year jolfow-up. waist circumference significantly tHediered nonfatal and/orfatal CHD risk in men. and among men and women combined. independent of9 otlıer salie/If risk factors, imparting 35% excess risk for eaclı inerement of 12 cm (= 1 SD) ofıvaist circumfe rence. ltı tlıe presence of tlıe lauer. BM/ failed to contribute to CHD prediction. lt ı va s concluded that abc/om ina/ obesity in Turkish adults not only mbstantially elevatec/ tlıe con centratimıs of im porta//( cardiovascu/ar risk jactors suc/ı as serum apo B. ilısu/in. CRP. and tlı e prevalence oj type ll diabetes. but alsa COIIfribwed independently to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. particularly among men. Tlı e ''curve" betıveen CHD risk and tlıe stated a tlıerogenic riskjactors suggested that Turkishmen witlı a ıvaisi circumference of96 cm slıou ld be considered m the "action level" . These findings should guide future public heart health policies.
Keywords: Abdominal obesity. anthropometric indices. coronary heart disease. obesity. risk factors. waist eircumiferenceCopyright © 2024 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology