ISSN 1016-5169 | E-ISSN 1308-4488
Percutaneous Transluminal Balloon Valvotomy With "Inoue Balloon Technique" [Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars]
Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars. 1992; 20(1): 28-32

Percutaneous Transluminal Balloon Valvotomy With "Inoue Balloon Technique"

Tuna TEZEL1, Hikmet TEZEL1, Tanju ULUFER1, Atilla EMRE1, Özer ALPASLAN1, Mustafa YAYLA1

During the period of September 1990-May 1991 percutaneous transluminal balloon valvotomy (BV) by using Inoue balloon technique (IBT) was applied to 20 subjects selected among patients admitted to our center with mitral stenosis. The mean mitral valve area was found 0.98±0.38 cm2 before BV and 2.05±1.25 cm2 after BV. Maximum pressure difference across the mitral valve averaged 25.8±1.60 and decreased to 10.8±1.40 mmHg after BV. Average pressure difference was 12.0±1.40 mmHg before BV and declined to 4.28± 0.70 mmHg after the procedure. Cardiac index was 2.40±0.50 L/min/m2 and increased to 3.20±0.48 L/ min/m2 after BV. These differences proved to be statistically significant. Echocardiographic control by color Doppler imaging 24 or 48 hours after the procedure failed to show any change in the competence of the mitral valve.

Manuscript Language: Turkish

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