ISSN 1016-5169 | E-ISSN 1308-4488
Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology - Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars: 47 (1)
Volume: 47  Issue: 1 - January 2019
1. Cardioneuroablation: Present status as a tenable therapy for vasovagal syncope
Richard Sutton, Phang Boon Lim
PMID: 30628895  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.96898  Pages 1 - 3
Abstract |Full Text PDF

2. Safety of radial coronary angiography with uninterrupted direct-acting oral anticoagulant treatment
Tuğba Kemaloğlu Öz, Tayfun Gürol, Nedim Umutay Sarıgül, Utku Arslan, Maryam Kobegenova, Alper Aydın, Özer Soylu, Bahadir Dağdeviren
PMID: 30628896  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.82830  Pages 4 - 9

3. Outcomes of survivors of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction complicated by out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a single-center surveillance study
Yalçın Velibey, Emre Can Parsova, Ufuk Sadık Ceylan, Özge Güzelburç, Koray Demir, Ufuk Yıldız, Aylin Şafak, Evliya Akdeniz, Tolga Sinan Güvenç, Emrah Bozbeyoğlu, Ahmet Ilker Tekkeşin
PMID: 30455410  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.32657  Pages 10 - 20

4. The association between left ventricular mass index and coronary collateral circulation in patients with chronic total occlusion
Mehmet Serkan Çetin, Elif Hande Özcan Çetin, Kadir Ocak, Özlem Özcan Çelebi, Dursun Aras, Ahmet Temizhan, Sinan Aydoğdu
PMID: 30628897  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.60497  Pages 21 - 28

5. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) gene -173 G>C polymorphism and its relationship to coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes
Neslihan Çoban, Aycan Fahri Erkan, Berkay Ekici, Maide Kaşit, Nihan Erginel Ünaltuna, Eren Vurgun
PMID: 30628898  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.35005  Pages 29 - 37

6. Predictors of in-hospital mortality in very eldery patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome: A single-center study
Samet Yılmaz, Mehmet Koray Adalı, Oğuz Kılıç, Ayşen Til, Yalın Tolga Yaylalı, Dursun Dursunoğlu, Havane Asuman Kaftan
PMID: 30628899  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.68792  Pages 38 - 44

7. The association between severe mitral stenosis and the size of the aortic root and the ascending thoracic aorta
Leili Pourafkari, Aidin Baghbani-oskouei, Naser Aslanabadi, Elgar Enamzadeh, Samad Ghaffari, Rezvaniyeh Salehi, Bahram Sohrabi, Safa Savadi-oskouei, Arezou Tajlil, Nader D Nader
PMID: 30628900  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.04900  Pages 45 - 52

8. Remote monitoring with cardiac implantable electronic device to follow up pharmacodynamic effects of sacubitril/valsartan treatment: A case report
Uğur Önsel Türk, Emin Alioğlu
PMID: 30628901  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.46383  Pages 53 - 56

9. A rare complication of percutaneous closure of coronary artery fistula: Inability to retrieve coil
Müslüm Şahin, Özkan Candan, Muhsin Türkmen
PMID: 30628902  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.23735  Pages 57 - 59

10. Heart failure due to aorto-right atrial fistula and successful treatment with percutaneous closure
Anar Mammadli, Mustafa Kılıçkap, Irem Dinçer, Müge Akbulut, Tamer Sayın
PMID: 3062890  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.88399  Pages 60 - 62

11. Is the use of low molecular weight heparin a rational choice during pregnancy in patients with a mechanical heart valve: a report of three cases
Ahmet Güner, Emrah Bayam, Semih Kalkan, Sabahattin Gündüz, Mehmet Özkan
PMID: 30628904  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.83364  Pages 63 - 68

12. What role might cardioneuroablation strategy have in syncope guidelines?
Tolga Aksu, Tümer Erdem Güler, Serdar Bozyel, Kıvanç Yalın
PMID: 30628905  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.10187  Pages 69 - 79

13. Winking object inside heart: Abrupt deflation and reinflation of cryoballoon during atrial fibrillation ablation
Uğur Canpolat, Hikmet Yorgun, Kudret Aytemir
PMID: 30628906  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.87422  Page 80
Abstract |Full Text PDF | Video

14. An unusual coexistence: Spontaneous pneumopericardium and pneumothorax
Ahmet Güner, İsmail Balaban, Anıl Avcı, Muzaffer Kahyaoğlu, Mehmet Özkan
PMID: 30628907  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.03016  Page 81
Abstract |Full Text PDF

15. Unicuspid aortic valve concomitant with interrupted aortic arch and severe aortic stenosis in an adult patient
Tufan Çınar, Mert İlker Hayıroğlu, Ahmet Öz, Muhammed Keskin, Mehmet Uzun
PMID: 30628908  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.10406  Page 82
Abstract |Full Text PDF | Video

16. A case of severely calcified neoatherosclerosis-embedded stent struts clearly documented with optical coherence tomography imaging
Yusuke Oba, Hiroshi Funayama, Hayato Shimizu, Kazuomi Kario
PMID: 30628909  doi: 10.5543/tkda.2018.86094  Page 83
Abstract |Full Text PDF

17. Comment on cardiology publications
Ertan Ural
Page 84
Abstract |Full Text PDF

18. Thanks to our Reviewers

Page E1
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