A 28-week-old preterm infant with a birth weight of 1250 g had a broken segment of umbilical vein catheter (UVC) lodged in the right atrium. It was observed that a 7-cm fragment of catheter had migrated to the right atrium through the inferior vena cava. The catheter was successfully retrieved by fluoroscopically guided percutaneous cardiac catheterization, using a cobra catheter and snare wire, without complication. Fracture and embolization of UVC is a rare but serious complication. Presently described was a case of fractured and embolized UVC in a very low-birth-weight preterm infant, and its successful retrieval via percutaneous endovascular approach.
Keywords: Percutaneous cardiac catheterization, preterm infant, umbilikal vein catheter.Copyright © 2025 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology