ISSN 1016-5169 | E-ISSN 1308-4488
Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology - Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars: 27 (2)
Volume: 27  Issue: 2 - February 1999
1. Summaries of Articles

Pages 68 - 71
Abstract | English Full Text

2. Investigations Plasma Lipoproteins and Apolipoproteins in Turkish Adults: Overall Levels, Associations with Other Risk Parameters and HDL's Role as a Marker of Coronary Risk in Women
Altan ONAT, Beytullah Yıldırım, Nevzat Uslu, Necmettin GÜRBÜZ, İbrahim KELEŞ, Ali ÇETİNKAYA, Hüseyin Aksu, Ömer UYSAL, Vedat SANSOY
Pages 72 - 79

3. Invasive Cardiology in Turkey: Procedures During 1994-97
Ferhan ÖZMEN, Servet ÖZTÜRK, Ömer Kozan, Vedat Aytekin, Oktay SANCAKTAR
Pages 80 - 85

4. Contribution of Intraventricular Dispersion of Early Diastolic Filling in Determining the Diastolic Dysfunction
A. Aziz KARADEDE, Sıddık ÜLGEN, Melih KAPUCU, İsmail BIYIK, Ali V. TEMAMOĞULLARI, Zeki AKKUŞ, Nizamettin Toprak
Pages 86 - 91

5. Exercise QRS Score in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: An Indicator of Extent of Ischemia on Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy
Zerrin Yiğit, Nurten Atınç, Ali Metin Esen, Vedat SANSOY, Deniz Güzelsoy
Pages 92 - 97

6. The Value of Rapid Qualitative Troponin T Analysis in Diagnosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction and its Comparison with Quatitative Assay
Fehmi MERCANOĞLU, Hüseyin Oflaz, Ercüment Yılmaz, Sabahattin UMMAN, Ömer Küçükbasmacı, Nevres KOYLAN, Kemalettin BÜYÜKÖZTÜRK
Pages 98 - 103

7. Validity of the New Cohort 1997/98 of the Turkish Adult Risk Factor Study in Regard to Prevalence of Risk Factors and Heart Disease
İbrahim KELEŞ, Altan ONAT, Vedat SANSOY, Hüseyin Aksu, Ali ÇETİNKAYA, Beytullah YILDIRIM, Nevzat Uslu, Necmettin GÜRBÜZ
Pages 104 - 109

8. Editorial
Altan ONAT
Pages 110 - 111
Abstract |Full Text PDF

9. Reviews The Role of the T-wave Alternans for the Evaluation of Ventricular Repolarization Heterogeneity
Mustafa Kemal BATUR, Ali OTO
Pages 112 - 118

10. Myocardial Ischemia and Autonomic Nervous System
Pages 119 - 123

11. Case Report Holt-Oram Syndrome Associated with the Double Outlet Right Ventricle and Severe Pulmonary Stenosis: Case Report
Özlem M. BOSTAN, Ergün ÇİL
Pages 124 - 126

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Journal Citation Indicator: 0.18
CiteScore: 1.1
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SCImago Journal Rank: 0.348

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