Streptokinase was used for femoral artery thrombosis in a child after the implantation of a Jackson coil for her moderate sized patent ductus arteriosus. Severe hemoglobinuria developed after the observation of patency in femoral artery although complete occlusion of the patent ductus artericsus had been achieved angiographically. Leftto- right shunt did not stop even 35 hours after the cessation of streptokinase and severe anemia developed due to mechanical hemolysis. In order to get rid of this complication, a second Jackson coil was implanted in another procedure. This expe~ience shows that if anticoagulant/fibrinolytic therapy is necessary in completely occluded patent ductus arteriosus patients, preparedness for recanalization of the arterial duct and related complications is mandatory.
Keywords: Patent ductus arteriosus, transcatheter occlusion, coil, streptokinase, mechanic hemolysis, hemoglobinuriaCopyright © 2025 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology